“health-saving technologies in working with young children. Health-saving technologies in working with young children Health of young children and health-saving technologies

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Children are our future, and today it depends on us what it will be like. In modern society, there is an increase in demands on the physical, mental, and personal development of children. One of the measures to ensure their more successful development is the provision by the state of the opportunity to educate young children. The restoration of the system of public education for young children is taking place in a changing economic and political situation. A paradigm of a new statehood is emerging, and a search is underway for ways to revive Russia on the basis of its multinational culture. Preserving the health and intelligence of the nation at the present stage is the main task, in the solution of which the problem of the development of young children in the context of family and public education is central.

The programs and technologies we implement help the most complete personal development of students. Their content, as well as the construction of the educational process based on cooperation and respect for the child’s personality, ensures a good level of children’s competence in various areas.

At the beginning of the school year, after drawing up health cards, filling out and analyzing adaptation sheets, we diagnosed the children’s initial level of development. In the diagnostic process, we used: observation method, conversations, didactic games, selected according to age. Having studied the results obtained, we outlined a plan for further work and set a goal for ourselves: to create a health-preserving environment in our group that could provide the pupil with the opportunity to maintain health. As well as the use of health-saving technologies when working with children, which will help create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, form the basis of a basic personal culture, better assimilate children’s knowledge and will contribute to their harmonious and comprehensive development. We organize all our teaching activities in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of each child, which allows us to monitor the health of children and more fully unleash their creative potential. The pedagogical process is fully equipped with the necessary materials and aids, a nursery group development program, notes and didactic games. In order to ensure an individually differentiated approach to each child, we organize the pedagogical process based on diagnosing the children’s achievements and, as a result, we build a perspective for working with each child, the zone of his immediate and long-term development.

In the group, we try to create a homely environment in order to provide all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children, so that they feel cozy and comfortable. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  • organization of a health-preserving and developmental environment that promotes the design of healthy lifestyle options, increasing the resistance and protective properties of the child’s body.
  • creating conditions to ensure the psychological safety of the child’s personality;

formation in children of vital motor skills and abilities in various types of activities.

Thus, having analyzed the above, we can confidently say about the creation of a health-preserving environment in nursery group No. 4 “Droplet”.

Carrying out sports activities with young children twice a week not only contributes to the physical development of children, but also develops in them skills that are directly reinforced in group classes. Group teachers develop through in their pupils the entire musculoskeletal system of the child, movements that form correct posture. 56% of the baby's body muscles are involved in this. Other important skills that young children learn in a group setting are run(cyclic movement in which pushing off the support with the foot alternates with flight); jumping(type of main movement that is not cyclical); rolling, throwing, catching and throwing(ball games during walks in the warm season); climbing, crawling(performed daily while playing with students); development of child skills equilibrium(by walking by narrowing the path).

Consequently, the work of educators is an integral system that combines the protection and strengthening of the child’s health, the functions of the child’s body are combined and physical development is formed.

The most important daily activity with young children is outdoor games. The planned games are played during morning and evening walks in accordance with the time of year. Developed by S.N. Teplyuk "Games for a walk with kids" contribute not only to the development of the child's playing skills, but also serve to develop the health of the kids.

Hardening of young children is also an important factor in promoting the health of children. Hardening is understood as increasing the body's resistance mainly to low temperatures, since cooling the body plays an important role in the occurrence of a number of diseases (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, nephritis, rheumatism, etc.). The purpose of hardening is to develop the body’s ability to quickly change the functioning of organs and systems in connection with the constantly changing external environment. The body’s ability to adapt to certain environmental conditions is developed by repeated exposure to one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in its dosage. During the hardening process, very complex changes occur in the child’s body. Cells of the body and mucous membranes, nerve endings and associated nerve centers begin to respond faster and more efficiently to environmental changes. All physiological processes in tissues and organs, including the expansion and contraction of blood vessels, proceed more economically, faster and more perfectly. In addition, the skin and mucous membranes, strengthened under the influence of hardening, become less sensitive and permeable to a number of pathogenic microbes and their poisons, and the body’s ability to fight microbes that have already penetrated it increases. As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to sudden changes in temperature and colds, but also to other infectious diseases. Seasoned children have good health, appetite, are calm, balanced, cheerful, cheerful, and highly productive. However, all these results can be achieved only with the correct implementation of hardening procedures.

The group carries out hardening procedures, provided for by planning in strict accordance with the age of the child and the time of year in which they are carried out. These include air and water procedures, sunbathing.

The group's teachers pay great attention to the use of health paths, using them at scheduled times after the children's daytime rest.

Planning work in the group provides for hardening activities that are carried out in the group throughout the entire calendar year. The system of hardening a child’s body completely depends on the time of year in which it is carried out. The table below shows the serious attitude of the entire group to preserving the health of children.

See table:

Hardening activities Autumn 1. Air hardening
Winter 1. Air hardening
Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal air temperature in the room (1 ml. gr. +19: +20)

Spring 1. Air hardening
Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal air temperature in the room (1 ml. gr. +19: +20)

2. Water hardening

Walking on ribbed paths

Summer 1. Air hardening
Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Morning exercises in the fresh air

Maintaining normal air temperature in the room (1 ml. gr. +19: +20)

Air baths after naps with physical exercises

Correct selection of clothing, lightweight clothing

2. Water hardening
Walking on ribbed paths lined with damp towels

Extensive washing

3. Hardening by sun rays
Occurs after air and water procedures in the middle of a walk. The time gradually increases, depending on the age of the children

We pay special attention to hardening procedures that promote health and reduce morbidity. At the beginning of the school year, we begin gradual training in the elements of washing as the adaptation period passes, walking barefoot, air baths after sleep and during physical education classes. As well as walking along health paths, sun and air baths. We play games with children that heal. For frequently ill children, breathing and articulation exercises are very helpful. We organize the motor mode (according to age).

The use of health paths contributes to such an important stage in the formation of a child’s health as the prevention of flat feet in children.

Flat feet and postural defects in children. At first glance, there is no connection between these phenomena. Meanwhile, in 60-70% of children, flat feet are the cause of spinal curvature and other serious postural disorders. Even a slight deviation from the norm in the shape of the foot can seriously impair the physical development of the child. The dynamic capabilities of flat feet are limited, the range of motion in the joints is minimal, and a significant inclination of the foot to the side causes severe pain. Children with this deficiency cannot stand for a long time, get tired quickly, and complain of pain in the legs and hips.

With young children, for the purpose of hardening and preventing flat feet, health paths and barefoot walking are used.

In the early age group, in all classes conducted, technologies are used aimed at preserving and developing the health of children. Because How healthy a child is is how developed he is.

To create conditions for preserving, strengthening, and developing the health of children, a reasonable combination of health and educational tasks is also necessary, which will ensure the development of children without compromising their health. The purpose of which is to form in the child motives of self-preservation, to cultivate the habit of thinking and taking care of his health. To achieve this goal, we develop body care skills; we create conditions for hardening; We develop skills to protect personal health and the health of others; give an idea of ​​the functions of the body; We teach children how to handle things that are hazardous to health; We demonstrate the importance of a correct attitude towards health, etc.

The group conducts exercises that promote: the formation of posture, the prevention of flat feet, the development of the respiratory system, the development of the musculoskeletal system, etc. As our practice shows, all of the above methods help us a lot in working with children, we will continue to use them in the future, as evidenced by the results.

The most important factor that contributes to the development, preservation and strengthening of the health of children in the younger group is daily ventilation of the room, maintaining the temperature in the toilet room, cleanliness in the group, plenty of light, a calm, friendly tone of the teacher, mandatory daily walks in the morning and evening at any time year except for cold temperatures (below 16 o C). The teachers strictly monitor all this.

Working with parents for us is an important component of the entire pedagogical process, because a lot depends on our cooperation. From the moment a child enters kindergarten, we must work together to help him quickly and painlessly adapt and join the team.

To do this, we conduct conversations with parents on the topics: “Your child is going to kindergarten”, “Features of raising and teaching young children”, “Health improvement and hardening of young children” and many others; We provide the necessary consultations (individual and group) on issues of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution and on topics of interest to parents. We hold meetings at which the active members of the group are selected, a plan for joint work with parents is outlined, and various issues related to the upbringing and education of children are discussed and considered. We try to attract parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten; parents attend parent-teacher meetings. Take an active part in the life of the group.

We attach great importance to oral surveys of parents, because parents’ answers help us find out the hobbies of adults and children, problems that require pedagogical assistance, find out parents’ opinions about our work, and find new ways of cooperation.

Having analyzed the results of repeated testing of children, we are convinced that the level of children’s knowledge increases, and the level of problems and difficulties, on the contrary, decreases. Based on the results of repeated testing, we can conclude: work in this direction needs to be continued, expanded and deepened, as it gives good results.

In a word, the group team works in close cooperation with the parents of their students. This leads to positive results based on the experience of past years.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Health-saving pedagogical technologies become one of the means of solving problems of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of children.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health. Finger gymnastics: performed individually or with a subgroup of children. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, attention, imagination, blood circulation, and reaction speed.For example: finger game “Finger-boy”.

Outdoor games: used directly throughout the day. At first these are games with simple rules. For example, the game “Planes”, in which children perform three actions - “start the engine”, “fly”, “land”. By the end of the year the games are more complex. For example, the game “Crested Hen”, in which the rules become more complicated, the role of the hen, and children can already take on the cats. In addition to outdoor games with plot content, games are played that include basic movements. For example, “Sunshine and Rain.”

Playing at an early age helps:

1) provide emotional release, relieve accumulated nervous tension;

2) master group rules of behavior;

3) establish contact between adults and children;

4) develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Walking games: “Bring the object”, “Train”. Running games: “Planes”.

Russian folk game "Bunny".

For all words of the game, movements are imitated together with the children. Children in the third year of life are still very fearful and unsure of their abilities, so an individual approach, verbal encouragement of the baby, and play exercises are widely used. For mastering walking and running, good game exercises are: “Let’s run quietly like little mice,” “Let’s walk quietly like kittens.” To strengthen the skills of crawling and climbing, you cannot do without exercises such as: “Dogs are catching up with the ball”, “Climb through the gate”. Game exercises with objects will serve to teach skating, throwing and throwing. For example: “Throw the ball over the fence”, “The ball is rolling down the hill.” In the first junior group, a new basic movement appears - jumping on two legs. Game exercises, such as “Jumping like balls”, “Bunny jumps along the path”. Games for sensory development: The relationship between the development of speech and subtle movements of the hand is well known. Movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child’s speech.

The games are aimed at this: “Wonderful bag” (studying the shape, size, “Collect cones in a basket” (quantity). Wake-up gymnastics: Waking up children after a nap requires a special approach. Much depends on the nature and duration of the children’s sleep. Wake-up exercises become an effective technique gymnastics.

For example: the game “We woke up”, “Merry hands”, “Frisky legs”. Breathing exercises: Develops the child’s still imperfect respiratory system, strengthens the body’s defenses with the help of exercises such as “Blowing up a balloon” (imitation of inflating a balloon, “Blow on ribbons” (we blow in front of us on ribbons tied to a stick. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle life. Morning exercises: Promotes the formation of rhythmic skills and abilities, allows you to give children a good boost of energy.

Physical education minutes: Physical education minutes are held in all classes as children become tired. Exercises for physical education sessions are selected taking into account the nature and content of the lesson. A physical training session lasts 1-3 minutes and, as a rule, consists of 3-4 exercises.

Walking: is a very important routine moment in the life of children in a preschool educational institution.

The purpose of the walk is to improve health, prevent fatigue, and physical and mental development of children.

Walking objectives:

Physical development of children - walking is the most accessible means of hardening a child’s body, helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Optimization of physical activity - while walking, children move a lot, and movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, and improve appetite. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality.

Mental development of children - children receive many new impressions and knowledge about their surroundings: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. From observations, they learn about the features of seasonal changes in nature, and notice connections between various phenomena. Observations arouse interest, questions to which they strive to find an answer. All this develops observation and expands ideas about the environment.

Solving the problems of moral education is getting to know your hometown, village, the work of adults, the importance of work for the lives of children. Familiarization with the surrounding environment helps to instill in children a love for their native village and city. Kids work in the flower garden - they are taught hard work, love and respect for nature. Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children.

Planning a walk. When planning a walk, the main task of the teacher is to provide active, meaningful, varied and interesting activities for children: games, work, observations. When planning the content of a walk, the teacher provides for an even alternation of calm and motor activities of children, and the correct distribution of physical activity.

The structure of the walk.

1. Observation.

2. Motor activity: outdoor games, exercises.

3. Children's labor on the site.

4. Individual work with children.

5. Independent play activity.

Observation. A large place is given to observations (pre-planned) of natural phenomena and social life. Observation can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual children. The teacher involves children in observations in order to develop attention and interest in nature and social phenomena. The surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity to organize interesting and varied observations.

Physical activity. The leading place during the walk is given to games, mainly active ones. They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress, and cultivate moral qualities.

During the walk we include outdoor games:

2-3 games of high mobility;

2-3 games of low and medium mobility;

Games of children's choice.

The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature.

On cold days, it is advisable to start your walk with games of high mobility associated with running, throwing, and jumping. These games help children better cope with cold weather;

In damp, rainy weather (autumn, spring), sedentary games that do not require a lot of space should be organized;

On warm spring, summer days and early autumn, games with jumping, running, and balance exercises should be carried out;

In hot weather, water games are played;

Using plotless folk games with objects: skittles, balls, etc.;

Useful games that expand children's knowledge and understanding of the environment. These are didactic games (cubes, lotto) and role-playing games (family games, hospital games, etc.). The teacher helps develop the plot of the game, select or create the material necessary for the game;

Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises, sports games, games with elements of competition. Conduct sports entertainment.

Labor activity of children. The content and forms of its organization depend on the weather and time of year.

So, in the fall, children collect flower seeds and harvests from the garden; in winter they can shovel snow, draw on it with sticks, and make various structures out of it.

The teacher can involve children in collecting toys and providing all possible assistance in putting things in order in the area;

It is necessary to strive to make child labor joyful, helping children to master useful skills and abilities. Labor tasks should be within the capabilities of children and, at the same time, require certain efforts from them. The teacher makes sure that they do their work well and finish what they started. Individual work with children. The teacher, in accordance with planning (based on the diagnostic results of children), carries out individual work on the cognitive-speech, social-personal, physical or artistic-aesthetic development of children. You can carry out work on artistic activities, theatrical performances in the warm season, etc. Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the backdrop of independent activity of children.

The effectiveness of walks in a preschool institution is largely determined by an understanding of their significance, which consists in:

Satisfy the child’s natural biological need for movement;

Ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the child’s body through motor activity and physical activity specially organized for this age;

Develop skills in different types of movements;

Promote the development of the child’s motor qualities and abilities;

Stimulate the functional capabilities of each child and activate children's independence;

Create optimal conditions for the versatile development of children: intensification of mental activity, search for adequate forms of behavior, formation of positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations of children.


So, the process of raising children is continuous. Great potential opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of a child’s personality are inherent in the process of educational work with children in a walking environment. Here, like nowhere else, children are provided with unique conditions for all-round development; their needs for active movements, independent actions when getting to know the world around them, new vivid impressions, and free play with both natural materials and toys are fully satisfied. However, due to age characteristics, children themselves cannot use all the walking time with maximum benefit for their development. An adult must pedagogically correctly guide their activities. In the process of daily outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, children’s motor experience expands and their existing skills in basic movements are improved; agility, speed, endurance develop; independence, activity, and positive relationships with peers are formed.

Karina Ivanova
Health-saving technologies for young children

Usage health-saving technologies in working with young children.

Health saving technology is an integral system of educational health, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between teachers, doctors, psychologists in order to preserve and strengthen child health.

Health-saving technologies include several basic directions:

1. Educational and health-improving direction of the educational process.

Organized educational activities allow children to receive accessible age of knowledge about a person, forms the necessary skills in children, improves psychological processes (perception, thinking, speech, and also encourages the child to active cognitive activity).

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children through various types of activities allows them to develop such qualities as neatness, neatness, cleanliness and order, food culture skills as an integral part of a culture of behavior. Since proper nutrition provides the child with answers to questions: What is? As it is? When there is? Rituals of preparing food, knowledge about the benefits and harms of foods - all this forms a culture in children healthy way of life from an early age.

Forming all these skills is a complex task, requiring systematicity, great patience, and unity of demands on the part of adults. It is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting, and exciting.

To do this, you should use the following methodological techniques: We:

1. Demonstration and explanation;

2. Exercises and control;

3. Example of adults;

4. Gaming techniques;

5. Use of illustrations, literary words, folklore, books, conversations, dramatizations.

I would like to draw attention to the use of nursery rhymes in the work of a teacher. Reading nursery rhymes is a unique method of bodily therapy in early age, which helps to establish relationships between an adult and a child, the development of general motor skills and the development of fine motor skills of the hands helps to consolidate useful habits.

Thus educational and health-improving the orientation of the educational process contributes to the creation of conditions for healthy lifestyle and strengthening child health.

2. Physical development and children's health: includes hardening, gymnastics, organization of motor mode (outdoor games).

Hardening - in physical development and health improvement For children, special attention is paid to hardening procedures. Hardening helps strengthen health and reducing morbidity. Also, such events contribute to the creation of mandatory conditions and habits healthy lifestyle.

Hardening will be effective if it is provided throughout the day.

Strict adherence to routine regulations;

Clear organization of thermal and air conditions;

Rationally selected clothes for children(depends on the season, the location of the child, i.e. in a group or in a cool room);

Compliance with walking regimes at a temperature of 15-20 degrees;

Sleep in a ventilated area;

The system of hardening a child’s body completely depends on the time of year in which it is carried out. The table below shows the serious attitude of the entire group towards children's health.

See table:

Hardening activities Autumn 1. Air hardening

(+19 : +20)

Winter 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

Spring 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

2. Water hardening

Walking on ribbed paths

Summer 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Morning exercises in the fresh air

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

Air baths after naps with physical exercises

Correct selection of clothing, lightweight clothing

2. Water hardening

Walking on ribbed paths laid with damp towels

Extensive washing

3. Sun hardening

Occurs after air and water procedures in the middle of a walk. The time gradually increases, depending on age of children

Gymnastics is a universal means of human physical development

General strengthening gymnastics is the organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. During gymnastics, emotional tone increases, motor activity develops, and the child receives positive emotions from movements in a group of peers. Tension is relieved, attention is collected, behavior is disciplined.

Invigorating gymnastics or awakening gymnastics are performed after daytime sleep to launch all the vital processes of the body. It is a good incentive to lift your spirits.

Finger gymnastics - the development of a child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech. By influencing the tone of a child’s hand, using a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

Finger game.

They washed the buckwheat, they washed the buckwheat. (Squeeze and crumple an imaginary buckwheat).

They sent the mouse through the water,

Along the bridge - bridge,

Yellow sand. (Move your little finger up and down).

Lost for a long time

I was scared of the wolf. (We walk on the table with our fingers).

Lost, tears streaming down, (Three eyes, as if we were crying).

And the well – here it is, nearby. (We stretch our arms forward, showing the well).

Articulatory gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech organs. The goal of such gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements of the speech organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and to prepare the speech apparatus for speech load. Carrying out articulatory gymnastics contributes to the birth of correct sounds and the assimilation of words with complex syllabic structures.

Exercise "Fence".

We close our teeth evenly

And we get a fence,

Now let’s part our lips -

Let's count our teeth.

Exercise "Baby Elephant's Trunk".

I imitate an elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk...

Even if I'm tired

I won’t stop pulling them.

I'll keep it like this for a long time,

Strengthen your lips.

Breathing gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech breathing. The goal is to form correct speech breathing (short inhalation and long exhalation). With speech breathing, tidal volume and ventilation of the lungs, gas exchange significantly increase, and the blood is more quickly and easily enriched with oxygen, which contributes to the development of the ability to pronounce long phrases and is the prevention of stuttering. Breathing exercises allow you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the child’s well-being.

Exercise "The butterfly flies".

Make a butterfly out of thin paper together with your child (candy wrapper, napkin, etc.). Tie a thread. The child holds the string and blows on the butterfly.

Exercise "The boat is sailing, sailing".

Pour water into a basin or bathtub, place the boat and invite the child to blow on the boat.

Corrective gymnastics (walking along a corrective path)- the purpose of such gymnastics is to strengthen the arch and ligaments of the feet, which is a good means for the prevention and correction of flat feet.

Outdoor games - outdoor games contribute to the development of children's motor activity and are aimed at socialization, the formation of morality and cognitive development.

During outdoor games, the following are decided: tasks:

1. The activity and overall performance of children increases;

2. Children develop motor skills;

3. Interest in systematic physical exercise is formed.

4. Treatment and preventive work.

A game “You, little dog, don’t bark”.

Suddenly there is barking somewhere, children listen: Behind the door (if the game is played indoors) the dog barks. The kids open the door and see: A cute toy dog ​​is sitting in front of them. “She probably got lost and ran into kindergarten.”, - the teacher suggests. The children meet the dog, give it a name - Bug and decide that it will live in a group. Invite the kids to play with the Bug, bring a hoop - this will be her home. Children join hands, walk in a circle and sing song:

Here is the dog Zhuchka,

The tail is squiggle.

The teeth are sharp,

The fur is motley!

The dog suddenly "barked". The children stop, shake their fingers at her and They say:

Don't bark, little dog.

Better play with us

We're running, you catch up! The kids run from the dog, she "catching up", and they are hiding in "house" (stand behind the bench).

A game "Mice".

One day the mice came out (walking)

See what time it is (palm to forehead, turn to the sides)

One two three four (clap)

The mice pulled the weights (hand movements from top to bottom)

Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound (cover ears with hands)

Let the mice run away (run)

3. Working with parents. It is an important component of the entire pedagogical process, because a lot depends on our cooperation. From the moment a child enters kindergarten, we must work together to help him quickly and painlessly adapt and join the team.

To do this, we conduct conversations with parents on Topics: “Your child is going to kindergarten”, “Features of raising and teaching children early age", "Health improvement and hardening of children early age" and many others; we provide the necessary consultations (individual and group.), on issues of children’s adaptation to preschool conditions and on topics of interest to parents. We hold meetings at which the active members of the group are selected, a plan for joint work with parents is outlined, and various issues related to the upbringing and education of children are discussed and considered. We try to attract parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten; parents attend parent-teacher meetings. Take an active part in the life of the group. In a word, the group team works in close cooperation with the parents of their students. This leads to positive results.

Thus, a complex of modern measures health-saving technologies, which is held in early childhood, allows you to create optimal conditions for the formation of cultural healthy lifestyle and improve the quality health of every child.

Today I want to share my work experience, the topic of which is“The use of health-saving technologies in working with young children.”

Why did I choose this particular direction?

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the main task is: protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

This problem has worried outstanding minds for centuries. Back in the 18th century, the French writer J. Rousseau said: “To do baby smart and reasonable ,

do his strong And healthy : let works ,

valid , runs , screams , P Ust He located V permanent movement...

The task of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. Currently, a large number of children come to kindergartens with pronounced hyperactivity, psychosomatic and chronic diseases.

Young children are a unique risk group in any kindergarten. Adaptation, changes in regime, environment and other factors adversely affect the health of children: children often get seriously ill. In this regard, there is a need for preventive measures to protect and improve the health of children.

The complex of such measures is called “health-saving technologies”.

Early age is literally the beginning. The child is just entering the world of relationships, he is inexperienced and very trusting. My task is to help him maintain this trust, to love those who tirelessly care for him, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood - all this is necessary for comprehensive and harmonious development in subsequent years.

Target my work:lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle using various forms of work.

Having set a goal, I determined the followingtasks:

    Select and systematize material on physical education and health work with young children;

    Organize a subject-development environment for conducting classes with children;

    Creating a positive emotional mood and relieving psycho-emotional stress in children;

    Develop the necessary knowledge for a healthy lifestyle;

    Teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

    Develop and arrange materials for parents in the form of information sheets, booklets, and folders.

I carry out my work in close cooperation with teachers, specialized specialists at our kindergarten, social institutions and parents.

As a participant in this overall process, I pay special attention to teaching preschoolers basic movements and healthy lifestyle skills, using various methods, techniques and technologies in practice.

Let's take a closer look at what these technologies are and how I use them.

technologies for maintaining and promoting health:

    Hardening activities - for example, “Open the faucet, wash your nose,” “Water, water...”, I organize barefoot walking on a wet salt path, a ribbed board after a nap, mandatory ventilation of the group room and bedroom.

    Dynamic pauses – I use sets of mini exercises “Keen Eyes”, “Where Are Our Hands”, “Fish Swimming in the Pond”, “Fingers Walking”, etc.

    Outdoor and sports games - I select in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding, for example, on a walk “Sparrows and a car”, “My funny ringing ball”, “Who is faster”, in the group “Sunshine and rain”, “Shaggy dog”, “Went out” chicken for a walk”, etc.

    Finger gymnastics - exercise topics are very diverse: “Merry Mouse”, “Spiders”, “House on the Christmas Tree”, “Crocodiles”, etc.

    Gymnastics for the eyes – I try to do it in verse, for example:

All week in order, the eyes do exercises.

On Monday, when they wake up, their eyes will smile at the sun,

They will look down at the grass and back up to the heights.

Now relax your eyes, blink often, often

Without gymnastics, friends, Our eyes cannot live!

    Breathing exercises – children really like exercises with soap bubbles, “Pump”, “Magic bottles”, “Porridge is boiling”, “Whose ball is faster”, etc.

    Awakening gymnastics – I try to turn on calm music and first do exercises on the beds “We woke up”, “Kittens”, “Fun exercises”. For preventive purposes, each parent made a mat - a path with buttons. Children enjoy walking on it after a nap. The track perfectly massages the baby’s feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

- Using a su-jok massage ball The kids are happy to repeat the movements, I try to do the exercises in verse:

I roll the ball back and forth in circles and chase it

I will stroke their palm, and then squeeze it a little.

I'll press the ball with each finger and start with the other hand.

The children in my group really like massages using non-traditional materials: su-jok balls, brushes, feathers, cones, foam sticks. Also, play massage helps to establish emotional contact and unite the children's team, if carried out in pairs or in a circle.

- Art therapy - S pUsing artistic creativity, I help the child extinguish negative emotions, distract and calm the child. During the day I include in my work “Drawing with fingers”, “Drawing with palms”, “Drawing on a large sheet of paper”, “Drawing with plasticine”.

I use it for the emotional development of children

- Color influence technology . Color for a child is a special “lifesaver” in any critical situation.Experiments with paints and unconventional methods of painting on crumpled paper evoke so much surprise and delight among the children. In my work I use games with colors such as “Colored Water”, games with satin ribbons, games with sultans, and the game “Carousel”.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle include:

    Morning exercises - I developed a set of exercises for each week and selected musical accompaniment for them: “Ryaba Hen”, “Rattles”, “Merry Parsley”, “Airplanes”, etc.

    Physical education classes - I try to conduct integrated classes with elements of visual arts, design, and musical accompaniment. I use non-traditional equipment, such as “Sensory bags”, “Magic clothespins”, “Sensory flower”, “Sensory panel”.

Corrective technologies include:

    Articulation gymnastics – I made a cut card index of exercises for lips, cheeks, and tongue.

    Music therapy - helpsrelieve tension, increase the child’s emotional mood. And I use it widely throughout the day, depending on the type of activity.

    Fairy tale therapy - It's no secret that a child's admission to kindergarten is often associated with difficult emotional experiences. And exactlyfairy tale makes it easier for the child to enter kindergarten, and also has a positive effect on his health. Every day I face big and small problems. You have to wash your face, but the children don’t like it, you have to eat, but they don’t want to, you have to get dressed, put away your toys, but they don’t want to. How to deal with them? And this is where poetry comes to the rescue,fairy tales , songs, nursery rhymes, in a word -elements of fairy tale therapy .

Health-saving activitiescovers all areas of activity, including interaction with parents.

Together with my parents, I created the “Strong Kids” club, where I conduct consultations and conversations:« Health ok - thanks for charging!”, “The importance of daily routine in the life of a preschooler”, etc.

I use folders (“Raising a healthy baby”, “Outdoor games for young children”, “Formation of correct posture and prevention of its violations”, “How to dress a child in the winter”, “Don’t be lazy, get exercise”, “How to teach the child cultural and hygienic skills”, etc.).

    psycho-gymnastics “Funny Bees”, “Kittens’ Travels”, “Earthworms”, etc., the purpose of which is to enable the child to experience various muscle loads by imitatively repeating the movements and actions of the teacher, training them in directing and maintaining attention to their sensations;

    simulation games, game exercises “We are wizards”, “Colorful cards”, “Magic hooks”, etc., promoting the development of creativity and communication skills, and relieving the problems associated with the “three-year crisis”.

As part of my project activities, I hold various competitions with parents: “My sports family”, “I love exercise”, making children’s books, for example “The Magic Fairy”, “How to teach a child to brush their teeth”, etc.

The results of my work: (diagram)

These indicators indicate positive dynamics.There is a fairly good performance in mastering program material in the field of physical education of children. A comparative analysis of diagnostic data showed positive dynamics in the level of development of children, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of the implemented system and modern programs and technologies in the physical education and recreational work of preschool educational institutions.My students develop harmoniously physically, move with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned how to use physical education aids. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. We learned to complete tasks, act, in general, at everyone’s pace. They are very willing to engage in playful activities with other children.

I would like to end my speech with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky:« I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of educators. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”