Find congratulations on your son's day. Sons Day

Sons' Day is a family holiday celebrated by sons and their parents.

In Russia in 2020, Sons Day is celebrated on November 22. The holiday has an unofficial status and is not officially established.

The purpose of the holiday is to strengthen family relationships and unite children and parents.

Traditionally, this holiday is spent in the family circle. Mothers and fathers give gifts to their sons, make toasts and congratulations in their honor.

Holiday traditions

Sons' Day has no generally accepted traditions. On this day, every family has its own customs. Parents and children gather at festive tables, sons receive gifts and congratulations. Families with little ones visit playrooms, museums, cinemas and children's shows. Sons who live far from their parents visit them.

Daily task

Have a family holiday. Act as the initiator of a family dinner. Congratulate the men on Sons' Day and give them small souvenirs.

  • The expression “Whipping Boy” comes from England. In the 15th-18th centuries, specific methods of education existed at the courts. Crown princes were raised with boys who were punished for their disobedience. The princes were not allowed to be friends with anyone other than whipping boys, so it was difficult for them to watch their friends being punished.
  • In recent years, it has become popular in the United States to name children after brands. Boys are often given the names Nike or Lexus.
  • In China, due to overpopulation, families are allowed to have one child. More often, future parents want a boy to continue the family line. Mothers, upon learning that they are having a girl, resort to abortion. This has led to a shortage of women in China. There are 20 million fewer of them than men.
  • According to data from the Civil Registry Offices of Russia, a catalog of the most unusual names has been compiled. Among the boys, these are Yarobog, Zhiromir, Luchezar, Darius, Bluetooth.
  • Scientists have found that boys who crawl for a long time are better at school than children who immediately learned to walk.
  • At 24 months, a boy's height is half his adult height.


“We congratulate all the sons and all the parents to whom fate gave boys a happy holiday. There is nothing better and purer in the world than the love of parents for their children and the love of children for their parents. May our sons always please us and bring us only positive emotions.”

“Congratulations on the holiday - Sons' Day! We wish that your children, so dear and beloved, will be happy, successful, healthy, beautiful, talented and independent. May your parental hearts be filled with pride and love! Happiness to your families and prosperity to your home!

“Men, boys, the day has come when it’s time for your parents to tell you how dear you are to them. You grow up imperceptibly, catching up for years, becoming courageous, independent, men, fathers, but for dad and mom you remain children. May love and respect always live in your hearts for your parents, who are proud of you and love you simply for being you.”


Toys. For a young son, a toy will be the best present. The child will be happy to receive a construction set, a car or a soft toy as a gift.

Board game. The board game will be a good gift for a child and an adult. An exciting game will unite family members and diversify their leisure time.

Joint vacation. A trip with your son to a cinema, bowling alley, museum, cafe, game room will be a great gift idea that will bring family members together and have an interesting time.

Family portrait. An adult son will appreciate such a gift. A family portrait will be a touching gift that will remind you of your loved ones.


Words from matches
Two people take part in the competition. The presenter gives each player a box of matches and guesses a letter of the alphabet. Participants must come up with a word starting with the hidden letter and put it out of matches. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. If the players complete the work at the same time, then the prize goes to the one who spent more matches on constructing the word.

All guests of the holiday can take part in the competition. The leader calls the colors one by one and counts to three. The players' task is to find an object of the hidden color and touch it before the leader completes the count. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game. The competition continues until one participant remains.

Who is the package for?
To hold the competition, you need to prepare a small, interesting gift, which is then wrapped in layers of gift paper or newspaper. Participants in the competition take turns removing the paper one layer at a time, passing it to each other. The one who removes the last sheet becomes the recipient of the gift.

About sons

The birth of a son among many peoples was considered a great joy and reward for father and mother. After all, he will grow up and become a successor to the family, a protector and breadwinner for the family. Raising a child is always a big responsibility for parents. It is important not only to tell and teach, but also to confirm with your personal example the validity of elementary truths.

An adult successful son who is happily married and does not forget about his parents is an object of pride and the result of painstaking work of both father and mother.

This holiday in other countries

Sons' Day is an international holiday, which, like in Russia, is celebrated on November 22 in many countries around the world. Some states have developed their own dates and traditions for this celebration.

In Japan, Boys' Day is celebrated on May 5th. On this day, families who have boys hang a flag in front of their houses with a carp on it. According to Japanese folk beliefs, this fish symbolizes courage, intelligence and honor. Green flags are hung on the doors. The number of flags corresponds to the number of boys.

In Sweden, August 7th is Boys' Day, also called Lobster Day. On this holiday, boys dress up in costumes of these animals, prepare artistic performances, and take part in sports games and competitions.

In Brazil, October 12 is Children's Day. Masquerades and carnivals are held on this day. Parents give gifts to their children, and in children's stores, manufacturers hold promotions on children's products.

All over the world, people celebrate Sons' Day on November 22nd. Having a son is a great happiness for every parent. Mothers love their sons, try to teach future men everything beautiful, kind, bright, fathers strive to show what a real man should be, go with them to football, fishing, hunting, passing on all their experience to a worthy replacement.

The history of this holiday is unknown. However, World Sons Day has managed to win the love of the population of our planet, because all loving parents strive to give their children, their sons - future fathers, all the best so that their lives are filled with prosperity and love. Therefore, on November 22, all mothers, fathers, and their sons hear congratulations and best wishes addressed to them.

On Sons' Day, usually all parents of little boys spoil their children with various goodies and homemade sweets. However, the main gift that parents can give on this holiday is to give their children love and pleasant words. This is also a great occasion to express gratitude to your child for making the parents’ life much more beautiful and meaningful, to say how proud they are of their son, his successes, merits, and to consolidate all this with a symbolic gift.

Sons Day 2020 - Congratulations

I remember the day you were born!
In an instant the world changed,
And the feeling of a dream come true
He was completely renewed in a miraculous moment.

My son, you know that I am proud of you,
You are my honor, and you are my joy!
And I pray to the Lord - let him go
Avoid troubles, everything will be as it should be!

On Sons' Day, I wish you
He has overcome obstacles in life with dignity!
And to fulfill all your dreams,
I received a reward for good deeds!

Sons Day is coming, and I wish
May you, son, be healthy and happy!
You have many goals, I know -
I wish you to put them into practice!

I wish your plans to come true,
And so that your soul is warm!
And so that all good things happen,
And so that all the best comes into life!

You are worthy to achieve
All selected delivered heights!
No need to worry about trifles!
And, of course, you will be lucky in life!

I want to congratulate my son
On this day - Sons' Day!
A true man has grown up!
Wish you happy days

I want you soon
Make your dreams come true!
May luck always warm you,
So that you can be cheerful.

And, of course, smile
Reaching all heights!
And don't doubt yourself -
May you be lucky, son!

Sons Day 2020 Card

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Happy Sons Day, I congratulate you!
I am immensely proud of you.
I wish to be as smart
Well, and always healthy, of course.

May you succeed in everything in life,
Problems themselves run away from you.
Let every day be impeccable,
Let warmth fill your soul.

Happy Sons Day, I congratulate you,
As a mother, I am very proud of you.
I wish you good health,
Let peace live in your soul.

May your endeavors be successful
Let things lead to success,
Let your wishes come true
And profits are waiting everywhere.

Happy Sons Day
I hasten to congratulate you,
My dear boys,
May it be for life
Enough for you
My mother's love.
I will cover you from trouble with my wing,
I'll help you get up,
I can handle the flood
With storm, with fire,
I love you more than life itself.

I will congratulate you on the holiday
Your sons
You are the best there is
In my life.
For mother with children
You always stay
Although he already has a mustache and a beard.
On Sons' Day
I wish you happiness
Let my love be for you
Stores, protects.
Sons, you are a joy,
My support
At my parents' house
I'm always waiting for you.

My son is growing up quickly
Runs, plays pranks, plays.
On Sons' Day I wish you one thing -
To make life easy for him.

And let it grow strong,
Peace protects dad and me.
Grows up smart and obedient -
He will be the best son!

Sons Day is very significant!
Mom will pray at night, son,
May you be happy, successful, healthy,
So that there is reliable shelter over your head.

So that you can make all your dreams come true,
So that you can live easily and brightly.
Don't let anxiety visit you -
Mom calls the Lord for help.

May you be nurtured, son, by fate.
Breathe deeply, my dear!
Don't doubt it - everything will work out -
This is my instruction for you.

Congratulations, my son,
Happy holiday - Sons' Day,
I promise until my gray hairs
To be your support, your support.

And even if you are an adult already,
For me you are always my son,
There is no you more precious, more important,
I wish you could do everything.

Be healthy, successful, strong,
To have reasons to be proud,
So that happiness lives in your family,
Relatives and loved ones respected and appreciated.

Happy holiday, son!
Be successful. Happiness and love.
May good things always be prefixed with “very”
Gives luck on credit.

Let him pursue success in any project,
And especially in the project “Home. Family".
Stay polite and correct
Whoever fate brings you together.

Dear sons,
I want to wish you
May you always live with dignity,
No pain, no pain!

Well, I'm like your mother,
I will forever protect
And give comfort, warmth,
May everyone be lucky in business!

Son, you are the meaning of my life,
Take care of yourself, my love!
Build your life out of happiness,
Burn all your bridges with sadness!

Find the path to success, my son,
May your dreams come true!
I wish that on the way
You have not encountered any obstacles!

My son, I love you on Sons' Day
I congratulate you with all my maternal heart,
You are no better, more beautiful and dearer,
And I, son, do not like you!

I wish you so much happiness
I wish all your dreams come true,
And all my life, caring and loving
I will admire you, my son!

I always wanted to have a son
And God heard me from heaven!
You are dear, my beloved man,
You are my son, you are a miracle of miracles!

I'm proud of you, my son,
You are my great reward!
On this wonderful day
You are with me, and nothing more is needed!

I wish you to be healthy
Achieve goals without difficulty
Be, son, open and cheerful,
And please, always be happy!

Happy Sons Day, my dear son. For mom, you are luck and hope, support and pride, strength and support. I wish you, my dear, to always follow an easy and kind path, never doubt yourself and never lose your enthusiasm. True love and friendship to you, my beloved, great luck and true human happiness!

Son, for you on Sons' Day
I wish you to live always happily!
May there be many clear days
Smiles, laughter, positivity!

I wish you to be in great shape,
Making dreams come true,
May your health be normal
And the mood is only “high five”!

I love you, son, know that
There are many reasons for this!
Who is more valuable than everyone else? Guess!
Of course you, my dear son!

Happy Sons Day to you, my dear,
Nice son, dear,
Accept wishes from mom:
May your path be successful.

You are my support, strength, pride,
May you be lucky in everything
And your good guardian angel
Let him, my beloved, take care.

Happy Sons Day, beloved son,
I want to congratulate you,
You are a great protector for mom,
You are my pride, my dear.

I wish everything to happen
What do you dream about, son,
So that life turns out happy,
To reach the star.

I will pray for you
Keep you from troubles and blizzards,
You are pride, strength and support,
You are the best son and best friend.

From my mother, my dear son,
Please accept congratulations today,
On Sons' Day I wish you
Good luck, success, inspiration.

You are always my support,
Joy, pride, my son,
Let your flight of life be
Handsome, sprawling and tall.

May my prayer preserve
From all sorrows and troubles,
I wish you happiness, my boy
You have many, many years to come.

My protector, my son,
The most loving man
I wish you could
Become successful, kind, strong!

To go towards your dream
And I didn’t go astray,
Was always on top
Enjoyed every moment!

And now, on Sons' Day,
Pride fills the soul,
That you are in my destiny,
Why am I hugging you?

On Sons' Day, dear son,
Accept congratulations from your mother!
I wish you could do it easily
Fulfill your aspirations!

Let both strength and health
They won't let you down!
You with parental love
All my life, son, I will love you!

An angel once told me the news,
That my son lives in my belly,
And I didn’t have the strength to hold back my tears,
I was very, very happy for you.

And now I admire you
And I rejoice at all life’s victories,
Be happy without boundaries, my son,
Always follow the right course to success!

Beloved, my dear son,
I love you my dear!
May every day you live
Will be filled with kindness!

I wish you joyful moments,
Love and devoted friends,
As many achievements as possible
May all your dreams come true soon!

I want to congratulate you on Sons Day
Dearest dear son,
I wish you great happiness
Reach great heights in your destiny.

I wish you goodness and joy,
May all your dreams come true,
I wish you good health,
And may you be strong in spirit.

Happy Sons Day! May this holiday
Will make your whole life kinder
Soon he will be filled with success,
You will be surprised by generous luck.

Hope beats loudly in the heart,
Only warmth reigns in the soul,
Love will suddenly smile
And your dream will come true in an instant!

Happy Sons Day!
May every day be successful
Let smiles surround you everywhere,
Let your career rise to a new level.

Let your health only get stronger,
Let melancholy never touch you.
Love blooms in the heart,
With his affection, warming you sincerely.

I congratulate you on Sons Day,
My bravest, strong-willed defender,
I wish you better health,
Respected, elite work.

So that you achieve everything in life,
Easily sweeping away obstacles on the way,
So that you, son, smile more often,
And you met great love!

I want to wish today
On the day of beloved sons -
Be, son, more excellent than everyone else,
All braver and stronger.

Take everything to the top in life,
If there are difficulties, don't cry,
Let them overtake you on the way
Lots of happiness and good luck!

Happy Sons Day!
May your health be strong
Life will bring you luck
And it flows cloudlessly.

Let success blossom
And incomes are growing
The fun is overflowing,
Smile and dream!

Congratulations to the families who
Boys and sons are growing up.
Defenders of the fatherland are growing,
And in the future - fathers, husbands.

May they bring you joy
And sadness - sometimes.
But don't let it touch their heads
Dashing black trouble.

Let only happiness await them in life,
Let evil not touch their souls,
Today - nice boys,
And tomorrow - strong men.

This is a beautiful day, son,
We hasten to congratulate you,
He grew up dexterous, strong, brave,
Are you busy doing what you love?
Give any problem a fight,
We are very proud of you!
Be happy, son,
Know that you are not alone!

Having a son is a reward
After all, you are our pride and our protection!
You are more valuable than any gold,
We tell you this openly!

We love and appreciate you very much,
Our dear and dear son,
On this bright autumn day
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart!

Don't grow up too fast, kids.
Our kids, sons.
Your laughter is ringing and radiant
We love to listen very much.

We'll get you and daddy to kindergarten,
Let's throw toys into the backpack,
We dress up like for a holiday,
To make the girls go crazy.

But we're sending you to school,
And we take notebooks with us,
We don't know where you are after
Now you have riddles from us.

Well, here we shout to you “Bitterly”
You are too big now...
But your voice is always clear
In the heart, dear boys.