Get a face lift at 30. How to tighten the oval face at home

The skin on the face is sagging, what should I do? This question worries many men and women who have crossed the threshold of youth or have suddenly lost weight. Changes in the face become more and more distressing every day, and people begin to try to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin at any cost. In this publication, we’ll talk about how to properly eliminate sagging skin on the face and neck, consider both salon and home methods of dealing with this problem, and touch on the issue of food and gymnastics to maintain skin tone.

Causes and symptoms of sagging skin

When a person gets better, the face becomes fuller first. In the cheek area, between the facial muscles, there are pouches in which fatty tissue is formed. It is very difficult to remove it. After losing weight, the stretched skin of the face sags under the weight of the bags, and sagging cheeks appear. The same effect is observed with age. Collagen production decreases, the skin becomes less elastic, flabby and, ultimately, sags. In addition to the skin in the cheek area, areas around the eyes and mouth, the transition zone to the neck and the temporal part sag on the face.

It is almost impossible to eliminate severely sagging skin on your own. Only a plastic surgeon can do this. But it is quite possible to prevent this process if you notice the problem in time and begin to properly care for your face.

The first signs that the skin is losing elasticity:

  • enlarged pores;
  • the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • formation of folds in the area of ​​the eyelids and nasolabial triangle;
  • severe pallor and dryness;
  • change in eyebrow level.

All these changes are normal after the age of 35-40 years. A slowdown in metabolic processes leads to. But if these signs appeared before the age of 30, there is cause for concern. Possible causes of sagging facial skin at an early age:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Disruption of the thyroid gland greatly affects all organs, including the skin. Failure of the endocrine system can lead to obesity or sudden weight loss. Metabolic processes begin to work incorrectly, and the epidermis undergoes severe changes, manifested in the form of acne, sagging, dryness, and wrinkling.

The pituitary gland produces hormones that have a strong effect on the condition of the skin and hair. An excess or deficiency of these hormones is immediately reflected on the face. For example, one of the pituitary hormones, corticotropin, in insufficient quantities leads to the deposition of fat in the facial area, changes its shape, causing the skin to sag and appear.

Obesity is always accompanied by stretching of the skin and, as a result, sagging. It is very difficult to remove this defect after losing weight. Only regular cosmetic procedures or surgery can solve this problem.

Depression, stress, and nervous disorders negatively affect the condition of the skin. She becomes dry, pale and lethargic. Blood flow deteriorates, which leads to a lack of nutrients. This leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds, the oval of the face loses its shape and sags.

An unhealthy lifestyle also causes early aging!

Smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, constant strict diets, poor nutrition, inept and excessive use of cosmetics are the path to saggy, unsightly skin.

Salon procedures: restoring tone to the face

A good cosmetologist will tell you what to do if the skin on your face is sagging and aging. Various procedures are available in beauty salons aimed at lifting the face and giving the skin its former elasticity and plasticity.

Most Popular salon methods for eliminating sagging skin:

  • cryotherapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • microcurrent therapy
  • RF lifting;

Cryotherapy- exposure to cold. It has long been known that cold allows tissues to remain youthful longer. This method can prevent early aging. Cryotherapy significantly accelerates metabolic processes and activates the production of necessary substances.

Mesotherapy– the most popular way to get rid of sagging cheeks. Its essence lies in the introduction of special gels and serums under the skin, which correct the shape of the face as needed. During the procedure, hyaluronic acid gel or plasma filler is injected into the area of ​​the cheekbones, nasolabial triangle and other places. Filled cheekbones rise, stretching the tissue. As a result, the oval of the face again acquires clear contours. For more information about the mesotherapy procedure, watch the video:

Fractional photothermolysis– exposure to the upper layers of the epidermis using a laser beam. The fabric is subjected to heat treatment at a certain depth. This provokes an active skin renewal process. This method helps get rid of wrinkles and improve skin tone.

Microcurrent therapy based on electrical impulses. It helps get rid of facial puffiness and is effective in removing bags under the eyes and sagging upper eyelids after losing weight.

– a non-surgical method of face lift using radio frequency waves. Ideal for preventing early fading of tissues and at the first signs of aging. After several procedures, bags and circles under the eyes disappear, facial contours change, and skin elasticity increases.

Photorejuvenation– exposure of the epidermis to light pulses. Penetrating to a depth of 2-3 mm, they activate the production of collagen and the synthesis of elastin fibers.

Before trying any of these salon procedures, it is important to undergo a consultation with a specialist and a general examination. They are contraindicated for those who have diseases of the blood, skin and respiratory tract, pregnant women, patients with epilepsy and oncology, and those with skin rashes, scratches and other superficial injuries.

Home treatments for sagging skin

At home, you can make masks, compresses, and peelings that will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, preventing early aging and sagging. They are especially effective after losing weight.

Masks for aging skin

  1. Yeast mask– Dilute 20 grams of yeast with water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Lubricate the dry surface with nourishing cream. The mask tightens and nourishes the skin.
  2. Oily mask– soak thin cotton pads with vegetable oil, preheated in a water bath. Apply to the face, avoiding the eyes, nose and mouth area. Cover the top with thin oilcloth or compress paper. Then cover everything with a terry towel folded in several layers. Keep for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Rejuvenating mummy mask— Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in 100 grams of boiled or distilled water. Clean your skin with lotion, lie down and relax. Soak a thin layer of cotton wool in the mummy and apply it to the face. Hold for no more than 2 minutes. Make a mask every other day. The product refreshes the skin, increases elasticity and prevents sagging.

Compresses to improve skin elasticity


Regular exfoliation also helps prevent sagging and wrinkled skin. You can do it yourself 1-2 times a week using natural products. Good for maintaining elasticity peeling from a mixture of coarse coffee beans and honey.

Anti-aging nutrition

At the first signs of skin aging, especially after losing weight, it is important to pay special attention to your diet. The diet should contain all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary to maintain her health and prevent sagging. The menu must include:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • poultry meat;
  • nuts;
  • cereals and grains (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley).

To preserve the beauty and youth of your face, you should avoid excessive consumption of sweet, salty and spicy foods, smoked meats and fatty baked goods. To reduce puffiness, which creates the appearance of sagging, you need to drink plenty of clean water and limit your salt intake. Water plays a special role in the body's metabolic processes, and its lack leads to dry skin and loss of elasticity.

Every day before eating the main course, you should eat a pinch of fresh herbs, then the skin will become elastic, silky and beautiful in color.

In addition to healthy food, you need to add a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and moving a lot. This will help maintain the overall tone of the body, improving the condition of the skin.

Gymnastics for the face against sagging

Facial gymnastics will be a good addition to any cosmetic procedures. It can be done at any convenient time, at least 1 time a day.

Gymnastics to maintain and restore muscle tone and increase facial skin elasticity:

Regular exercise will help maintain a beautiful oval face, neck and cheek shape.

Having noticed that the skin in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck and eyes has sagged even a little, you need to urgently take action and adhere to special facial care. In the morning and before bed, you should do a contrast wash with cold and very warm water.

If you have aging, loose skin that hangs, you should avoid tanning and prolonged exposure to sunlight. In hot weather, wear sunglasses and hats, and walk under an umbrella.

You need to monitor your weight to avoid sudden changes. Regular walks in the fresh air and active recreation will improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes in the epidermis. At least once a day (morning or evening), the skin should be saturated with nourishing cream. It should not be applied by rubbing, but by lightly tapping it in with your fingertips.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. To prevent sagging eyelids, the area around the eyes should be moisturized every day. Wash off cosmetics only with special lotions or milk, avoiding the use of soap or hard water.

To maintain the elasticity and tone of the skin in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin, you need to sleep on a flat, hard surface, using a towel rolled up under your neck or a special orthopedic cushion instead of a pillow. Timely and proper facial care will help avoid early aging and preserve beauty and youth for a long time.


Thus, sagging skin on the face is not a death sentence. But the sooner you notice signs of skin withering and begin to follow recommendations to strengthen them, the greater your chances of achieving elasticity and prolonging youth. The most effective result will be achieved by an integrated approach: proper cosmetic procedures (at home and in the salon), a healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition, facial exercises and careful treatment of the skin.

Biological age is ticking inexorably and this is reflected in appearance. After 40 years, the sagging oval of the face sharply becomes visible. This can be successfully combated by tightening the skin, making it a smooth canvas.

How to tighten the oval face at home after 40 years?

The face is a woman’s calling card, and not everyone can skillfully hide a sagging oval face. Closer to forty years, a clear oval can blur and even become shapeless. As you know, with age, metabolism slows down, and weight begins to increase inexorably. Excess weight is added to this, and all the changes that occur on the face become too noticeable.
Heredity, hormonal imbalance, incorrect daily menu, lack of physical activity - all this affects the deterioration of appearance. The combination of these factors helps slow down metabolic processes in the skin. The muscles on the face are immobile, so they harden and need to be developed to prevent sagging skin. A great way to get your muscles working is through exercise.

1. In order to prevent the oval from sagging, you should tighten all the skin on your face. Press your palms to your forehead and pull the skin from the entire face up towards the hairline. The skin should tighten so that the eyelids also pull up. Don't take your palms off your face. Your arms should be tense. Hold your hands and face in this state for fifteen seconds. You can do this with the edges of your palms, as if there is a mask on your face and you need to pull it over the top. This exercise will give mobility to the entire facial skin, which will improve metabolic processes.
2. Take a deep breath and close your lips. Slowly inflate your cheeks, as if filling balloons with air. Hold your cheeks in this position for fifteen seconds. This exercise is effective and with the help of its regular implementation, how to tighten the oval of the face at home after 40 years will not become a problem for you.
3. To straighten nasolabial folds, stand in front of the mirror and smile widely unnaturally. You should feel as if your mouth has stretched to your ears and all your molars are visible in the mirror. Fix your smile for half a minute.
4. To properly work out the muscles of the oval of the face, you should throw your head back, while pushing your lower jaw forward and protruding your lower lip. Try to pull your lip so that it covers the top one and you get the impression that a little more and it will reach the tip of your nose. Hold your head back and your lip protruding for ten seconds. Next, turn your head to the left and do the same procedure. The same should be done on the right side. You can pull your lip and turn your head to the sides.
5. The best technique is gymnastics for facial expressions. But gymnastics alone will not be enough. It should be supplemented with massage, masks and baths. The optimal time for performing gymnastics is fifteen minutes. During this time, you can qualitatively make your facial muscles “revive”.

You need to carry out proper facial care at home. We take a modeling face cream with a recommendation for 35-40 years. Apply it to the face and neck. Smooth the skin on the face towards the ears. We perform a massage with two fingers. We stretch the skin of the forehead from the eyebrows towards the hair growth and at the same time open the mouth wide and unnaturally. In this position, we actively and loudly pronounce the letters “o, u, y, i, yu, e,” stretching out the sounds. Pronouncing these letters helps to engage the facial muscles. For example, when voicing the letter “a,” you should open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue for fifteen seconds. When pronouncing the letter “o”, you should also intensively use facial expressions in order to feel all the muscles, and how to tighten the oval of the face at home after 40 years, read on.
When performing gymnastics, the facial muscles are perfectly worked out, thereby improving blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer. Exercises are useful because they trigger processes at the cellular level, collagen production occurs, which helps to correct the oval of the face. Gymnastics should be performed in the morning and evening every day.

Contrast wash

Rubbing with ice and contrast washing smoothes and tightens the skin well. By alternating lowering and raising the temperature of the water when washing, you thereby contribute to increased collagen production. You can wipe your face with ice from the age of thirty, without waiting for age-related withering and sagging of the oval of the face.


Today, great success in home skin care comes from the regular application of various face masks. A woman’s skin after forty years is sorely lacking collagen in the epidermis and sufficient moisture.
1. Simple gelatin works great for oval modeling. Take dry gelatin and fill it with cold water. After the lumps swell, add the twisted banana to the gelatin. Apply it to the face, paying special attention to the oval, and keep it on for at least 20 minutes. The mask tightens the skin well thanks to gelatin and perfectly moisturizes it due to banana.
2. A mask made from cucumber pulp, egg yolk and olive oil perfectly nourishes the skin. Experimenting with various components for masks will help you understand how to tighten your face shape at home after 40 years.
3. Since ancient times, our great-grandmothers washed their faces with milk so that their skin was white, moisturized and always toned. These recipes are still used today. Pour oatmeal into a small cup and grind it into a paste using a blender or coffee grinder. Pour boiling milk over the oatmeal powder, adding a spoonful of honey. When the mixture has cooled, beat the chicken protein and mix it into the mixture. If you don't have cereal or eggs at home, you can take brown bread. Grind the bread with your hands, pour in milk and add honey. Speaking about recipes with honey, we can mention the excellent modeling effect of a mask made from raw grated potatoes with the addition of honey. The mixtures applied to the face are kept for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. It is advisable to perform a contrast face wash at the end of the procedure.
4. Masks consisting of green tea and aloe not only nourish the skin, but also have an excellent corrective effect. When the mixture hardens, the face is covered with a film that tightens the skin, reducing pores. The effect of such masks is aimed at tightening the oval of the face. The compositions of the masks perfectly cleanse the face of dead cells and trigger their regeneration.
5. Sagging cheeks and chin can be prevented by performing regular beauty treatments using seaweed masks. The rich composition of seaweed intensely nourishes the skin in problem areas. The tightening occurs due to the solidification of the composition on the face. This mask is applied using upward movements. It is advisable to start from the décolleté area and gradually move upward. Apply the mask using movements that simulate sealing the skin. When performing the procedure, it is advisable to take a horizontal position for half an hour. Masks with algae are sold in the form of powders, which are diluted in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to alternate the composition of masks and apply them every other day.

General tips on how to tighten the oval face at home after 40 years

- Comfortable long sleep helps normalize metabolic processes in the body. By getting a good night's sleep, you give your skin a rest.
- Avoid junk food. Eating proteins, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products in the right proportions has a positive effect on your appearance.
- Any stress, first of all, affects the face, quickly aging it and adding extra wrinkles.
- Use creams that tighten the oval of the face along with regular masks.
- Buy a vacuum massager for home use. It can be used independently, without resorting to services in salons. It makes all the muscles of the face and body work, improving blood circulation.
- Regular massage and gymnastics will help keep your facial muscles toned.
- Wipe the skin with various modeling lotions, tonics, creams. The more you take care of it, properly moisturizing it, the healthier its appearance will be.

By constantly working on yourself, it will not be difficult to soon see the desired result from working on how to tighten the shape of your face at home after 40 years. Well-functioning body function and enhanced skin care will help maintain a fresh-looking face with a clear oval before and after forty years.

There is no woman who does not care about her own age. Even school coquettes jealously evaluate “rivals” a year younger, not to mention adult girls. A little more time passes - and they begin to think about how to rejuvenate their face after 30 years. Of course, since Balzac’s age is approaching! It doesn’t matter that it is at this age, that is, after 30 years, that most women really get to know themselves, gain intelligence and experience, and truly blossom. When it comes to cosmetic procedures and facial rejuvenation after 30, they still feel insecure.

Young beauties think that they need to intensively rejuvenate their face after 30 years, and the life of those “over 30” consists of creams, masks, cosmetic procedures and folk rejuvenation methods. In fact, taking care of your face after 30 years is not so difficult if you comply with two important conditions. Firstly, you need to start facial care much earlier in order to approach the 30-year mark without serious skin problems. Secondly, facial rejuvenation procedures after 30 years must be safe and comprehensive, in a cosmetologist’s office and at home.

What happens to the skin after 30 years? How to properly care for your face at 30?
Exactly 30 years is a crisis age in women’s understanding. So much so that some even refuse to celebrate their thirtieth birthday, and the day after the frightening date they run to the cosmetologist. And this, by the way, is a good solution: if you come across a good specialist, he will not offer all the expensive and new methods of facial rejuvenation, but will explain what changes occur in the skin and how exactly to take care of yourself after 30 years:
However, at the age of 30, it is still more logical to talk about preserving and prolonging youth than about full-fledged rejuvenation. Although this is, of course, very individual and depends on your habits, lifestyle, skin condition and quality of care. Be that as it may, now is the time to come to your senses and at least start taking care of your face correctly after 30 years.

How to rejuvenate your face after 30 years with a cosmetologist?
Restoring facial skin at 30 years of age and older is a typical task for cosmetologists, so your specialist will probably know both universal and exclusive rejuvenation techniques. Some of them are simple and relatively safe, others are allowed to be performed only by cosmetologists with medical education. Here is an approximate list of recommendations to rejuvenate your facial skin after 30 years:
Please note that the task of cosmetology is to preserve your youth and not harm you. Look for a specialist who knows how to rejuvenate your face after 30 years using non-surgical methods and, without regret, refuse those cosmetologists who offer you contouring and/or intensive lifting. Do not expose the skin to deep exposure unless necessary. At 30 years old, the body still has sufficient strength to maintain youth; you just need to activate these forces, but in no case suppress or interrupt the ability to self-heal.

How to rejuvenate your face after 30 years at home?
Home facial care is an indispensable condition for maintaining and preserving youthful skin. After 30 years, care differs from care for young skin, but only in the composition of the products. In general, you have to step-by-step cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It is advisable to do this with the cosmetics prescribed and/or made by a cosmetologist. But you can also try to rejuvenate your face after 30 years using folk methods:

  1. Face massage ensures blood flow to the upper layers of the epidermis, activates blood circulation in the deeper layers of the dermis and thereby helps nourish cells. Enriched with oxygen and nutrients, skin cells are restored and renewed faster and better. You can enhance this effect with a contrast massage by wiping your face with ice cubes. Massage with ice cubes twice a day helps tighten, refresh and slightly rejuvenate the skin, improves complexion and strengthens the protective properties of the skin.
  2. Soft peeling performs the same functions as peeling in the salon, but much softer and safer. Home peeling does not injure the skin, so you can do it every week, and after 30 years - twice a week. Use ready-made finely abrasive scrubs from high-quality industrial cosmetic lines and/or ground oatmeal, coffee grounds, or lightly candied natural honey.
  3. Rejuvenating aloe face mask smoothes out fine wrinkles by deeply moisturizing the skin. You will need ripe, fleshy aloe leaves (they are located at the bottom of the bush), which you need to keep in the refrigerator, and then peel and extract the pulp. Squeeze aloe juice and mix it with warm olive or grape oil in a 1:1 ratio. Then add a little quality face cream to a thick consistency and apply to cleansed face for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Nourishing banana face mask restores complexion and skin structure without causing allergies. Take a very ripe banana and puree it. Separately, grind the oatmeal into flour. Mix 1 tablespoon each of banana puree and oatmeal, add raw chicken yolk, a teaspoon of liquid honey and olive oil to a suitable consistency. Apply the mask to a cleansed and steamed face and leave for half an hour.
  5. Firming glycerin face mask with regular use (2-3 times a week for a month) it can noticeably even out the skin and facial contour. You can buy glycerin at the pharmacy, and then mix 1 full teaspoon of glycerin with honey and oatmeal in a 1:1:1 ratio, add warm water to a comfortable consistency and apply the mask to your face after showering before bed for 15-25 minutes.
Before you rejuvenate your face after 30 years using home methods, make sure that your body reacts normally to the components of masks, because natural products are the strongest allergens. Alternate masks so that your skin does not get used to it, and experimentally find the most effective methods of facial rejuvenation after 30 years that are suitable for you personally. And remember that it is not so important to rejuvenate your facial skin after 30 years as to maintain its youth with systematic care. Love yourself, take care and be beautiful at any age!

Alas. With age, the face loses clear contours and sagging cheeks appear. Even if your name is Michael Douglas or Susan Sarandon, shrews do not ask permission and simply impose their company.

The advertisement assures that getting rid of sagging cheeks is not at all difficult - just use cream X and serum Y, and if you add mask Z to them, your great-granddaughter will envy your youthful beauty! Let's figure out if this is true and what methods of fixing the problem really work.

To solve the problem, you first need to understand why your cheeks sag.


Where do bulldog cheeks come from?

The first question to answer is the cause of the problem. There are three main reasons.

Firstly, Subcutaneous fat is deposited in the cheek area.

Therefore, the more fatty tissue on the face, the heavier the cheeks, and the more they sag. Such jowls can appear even in youth. In this case, it is possible to remove bulldog cheeks if you lose weight.

Secondly, The cheek area is a kind of “warehouse” where reserves of facial adipose tissue are stored. This warehouse - Bisha's pouches - is the same fat depot as the thighs or abdomen. And unlike subcutaneous fat, Bish’s lumps are almost impossible to lose weight - they can only be removed.

However, there is also third reason- age. After about 30 years in the body collagen production decreases and elastane, which kept the skin toned. The leather frame, which has become insufficiently dense, sags, and the skin of the cheeks (often under the weight of Bish’s lumps) moves down and forms an unsightly fold.

From the point of view of the science of biology, everything is clear - by this age, according to Mother Nature, a woman has already fulfilled her functions: she charmed a suitable man and gave birth to a child, which means that collagen can no longer be wasted. But since we completely disagree with nature in this regard, a logical question arises: what to do?

In this material, we will evaluate the effectiveness of popular methods of preventing and eliminating jowls - from free to radical plastic surgery techniques.

How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face yourself

If sagging cheeks are associated with excess fat, then the task is clear: you need to remove excess fat. Moreover, with a successful combination of circumstances, the result can be obtained even at home: unlike the thighs or upper arms, the face loses weight quite quickly. In order to start the process, you will have to review your diet and increase your level of physical activity.

Expert comment:

We say a resounding “yes” to fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, lean meats, dairy products, and cereals. Baked goods, sweets, fatty, smoked, salty foods, fast food - a resounding “no”. Add morning exercises, dancing or jogging in the park to your new diet - and in a few months your facial shape will change significantly.

Drink plenty of clean water

Bulldog cheeks are adipose tissue that has the unpleasant property of retaining fluid and increasing in size. To get rid of swelling in the cheek area, you need to drink up to 3 liters of clean water and minimize salt intake. Sugar has a similar effect and should also be limited.

How to fix sagging cheeks with makeup

Decorative cosmetics cannot tighten sagging cheeks, but they make them less noticeable.

Rule #1. To correct a face with bulldog cheeks using makeup, you need to visually distract attention from them.

A simple system will help you:

  • dark eyeliner (after 45, give preference to brown rather than black shades),
  • double layer of mascara on eyelashes,
  • blush that perfectly matches the tone of your face.

Rule #2. Dark shades visually reduce the area to which they are applied.

Therefore, after completing your makeup, carefully brush the bronzer brush over your lower jaw and in the chin-neck area. This way you will visually disguise sagging skin and align it in tone with the shadow under the lower jaw. The jowls will visually merge with this shadow, but remember to use a sense of proportion!

The line of the lower jaw corrected with bronzer will merge with the shadow under the chin and visually rid the face of small jowls.

Gymnastics for sagging cheeks

Exercises against sagging cheeks, like exercises for the body, are designed to strengthen the facial muscles.

    Puff out your cheeks strongly and, counting to five, release the air through pursed lips.

    Hold a pencil between your lips and actively write the alphabet in the air, from A to Z. Feel how the muscles of your face and neck work.

If doing exercises against sagging cheeks seems boring to you, you can start painting real canvases by holding the brush with your lips. In the photo: artist Mariam Pare at work.

Each exercise must be performed daily.

Expert commentary

Effective prevention of jowls - what is it?

We have already said that shaved cheeks are formed 60% due to the fault of “packets” of adipose tissue - Bisha lumps.

Expert comment:

How to lift sagging cheeks without surgery

If the sagging of the tissues is already noticeable, go to the mirror and conduct a simple experiment. Pull the skin in the cheekbone area slightly upward. You will see bulldog cheeks disappear as if by magic.

Of course, there is no magic here, and the secret is simple: sagging tissues need to be lifted, and the contour of the face will become much younger, clearer, and more beautiful.

For this purpose, inject into the cheekbone area plasmafiller or dense hyaluronic acid gel Belotero. The cheekbones fill out, become higher, the facial tissues return to their rightful place, and the first jowls disappear, as if they never existed.

Gives a similar effect installation of a zygomatic implant, but this procedure requires surgery.

Andrey Iskornev at work. Preparation (marking) and carrying out Celebrity Lift - the star cheek lift using Radiesse and Belotero gels.

Every woman wants to feel young and beautiful. But age-related changes spoil the appearance.
Sagging in the lower part of the face (jowls) sooner or later appears in every woman. And this is natural. The laws of gravity pull our skin to the ground, as a result, the turgor and elasticity of tissues decrease every year, the skin begins to fade, and the oval of the face changes.

In addition, sagging cheeks are affected by excess weight, genetic predisposition, stress and fatigue, and excess ultraviolet rays.

Jowls (correctly - jowls) - this word refers to saggy, flabby cheeks that deform the line of the lower jaw and chin.
Jaws on the cheeks age the face by 5-10 years, making it sad and tired. They cannot be hidden with makeup.

But sagging skin is a natural process of aging. And it is almost impossible to avoid it. But it’s within our power to fix it! But first, let's take a look...

Why do jowls appear?

Our face consists of 57 muscles and fat, which is concentrated mainly in the cheek area. This cheek fat, in honor of the French anatomist Marie François Bichat, has its own name - Bichat's fatty lumps, and reaches a very impressive size. They are located between the skin and the mucous membrane of the cheek in the so-called “capsules,” which are located in three facial zones: above the lower jaw, in the infraorbital region and next to the parotid salivary glands.

With age, any person experiences drooping of facial tissues (gravitational ptosis). The lower jaw to the left and right of the chin is devoid of muscle support (this can be easily seen in the figure), and nothing prevents sagging in this area.

As a result, characteristic sagging is formed along the jawline - “bulldog cheeks”, which make the facial contour wavy. In thin people, shaving is usually an excess of skin and only skin. In all other cases, sagging is enhanced by subcutaneous fat or Bisha lumps

It is believed that Bisha's structures contribute not only to the “blurring” of the contour of the lower jaw, but also cause nasolabial folds and lay the zygomatic bags (malar fat).

Most often, sagging skin in the lower jaw area is the visible result of a number of invisible changes that have occurred to our face over the years:

  1. Low collagen and elastin content. Collagen inside our skin is like the reinforcing mesh in buildings made of monolithic concrete. Only with age does the old collagen “break down”, and the new one is not synthesized actively enough. This causes the skin to lose support and elasticity.
  2. Weakening of the facial muscles which cannot keep the skin and subcutaneous fat high in the same place. Thus, as a result of weakening of the cervical platysma muscle, a “goiter” and a double chin are formed in the neck area. The same mechanism underlies sagging cheeks.
  3. From a lack of certain elements and hormonal changes the bones become thinner and the face becomes flatter. Cheekbones lose their “sculpted” volume. Deprived of this important support, all facial structures, like on a sled, literally “slide” down.
  4. Age decrease in the amount of melanin pigment in the skin makes it vulnerable to sunlight and accelerates aging.

Earth's gravity forces Bish's lumps, and with it all the soft tissues of the face, to fall down. In women (and sometimes men), thick “sausages” appear near the nose, thick jowls and other “fleshy” sags appear on the lower parts of the cheekbones.

A face with jowls is not just a problem of age. There are other reasons too. Individual facial features, stress, constant exposure to wind and cold, smoking, alcohol, coffee, poor nutrition, certain medications, endocrine diseases, rapid weight loss, poorly developed chin, etc. all contribute.

The risk of developing early jowls is especially high in heavy individuals with a large amount of cheek fat. These are overweight people and those who, at normal weight, inherited chubby cheeks.

The same factors apply to men. But due to gender characteristics, they have less facial fat. Their skin is not subject to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause; it remains dense for a long time. Therefore, men's jowls appear 10-15 years later.

Hollywood beauty standards have long been shaping the fashion on faces and in everyday life: beautiful, high cheekbones and the effect of sunken cheeks even after 50.

The procedure for removing Bisha's lumps performed at a young age is a reliable prevention of the formation of jowls after forty.
By the way, it is used not only to get rid of excess cheek fat. This technique has a dazzling bonus for correcting the shape of the face: you can noticeably highlight the cheekbones and create the effect of sunken cheeks a la Angelina Jolie, lighten the lower part of the face, visually making it narrower and more prominent .

During the procedure, Bisha's fatty lumps are not completely removed. This approach allows you to get “thoroughbred” and young, blooming cheekbones, avoiding the effect of a haggard face.

Is it possible to fight jowls using conservative methods?

Unfortunately, All home methods are preventative. Removing jowls without surgery is only possible if they have just begun to appear and have not yet gained a foothold in their occupied “positions.”

“There are cases when it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of doctors to get rid of jowls. Often, overweight young people simply need to lose weight. Excess fat on the face will disappear, elastic skin will tighten, and the facial contour will become smooth and graceful.
The main thing is to avoid rapid weight loss, otherwise the skin will sag before it has time to shrink. It is best to lose weight by 4-5 kg ​​per month under the supervision of an endocrinologist in combination with physical activity. Fat “burns” only in the muscles, and to get rid of fat in the cheeks you need to tense all the large muscles of the body.”

“The appearance of jowls in youth is usually a consequence of being overweight. In all other cases, this is an obvious sign of age. But if jowls appear after 40 years, there is no need to urgently remember the forgotten cosmetologist.
Don't get me wrong, you definitely need to continue to take care of yourself. But creams, face masks, peelings and mesotherapy do not work on jowls.
And do not rush (no matter what they tell you) to invest money in fillers and 3D mesothreads - they do not work against sagging of the lower jaw, and you will simply waste your money.
To get rid of jowls on your face after 40, you need to work with the causes, not the consequences.”
Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Lifting masks from jowls

You can start eliminating jowls with lifting masks.

One of the most effective modeling masks is tar mask:

Finely grate 1/8 piece of tar soap and beat into foam, adding a little sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the chin, neck and décolleté.
Let it dry and reapply the mask until completely dry. Then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.
This mask has a strong lifting effect and will significantly tighten slightly sagging skin in just a month.

To prepare homemade masks with a lifting effect, you can use eggs, lemon, cosmetic clay, and milk.

  1. Egg: mix a chicken egg, a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil.
  2. Protein: beat two egg whites and apply in pure form to the skin in two stages until the mask is completely dry.
  3. Lemon: mix two tablespoons of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey.
  4. Dairy: mix three tablespoons of fat sour cream, a tablespoon of warm milk.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical masks. Look in their composition brown seaweed, fucus(sea grapes) kelp, sea plankton, allantoi n (crystals that enhance cell regeneration), panthenol(pantothenic acid), lecithin(yolk substance).

Facial massage for jowls

You can also do a facial massage for jowls yourself: twist a small terry towel into a rope, soak it in a saline solution and pat your lower jaw and neck on all sides for 15 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream.

Self-massage at home is considered one of the most effective methods of combating jowls. To make your task easier, pay attention to the “Shaving” massage technique:

But this simple intraoral massage helps smooth out the muscles from inside the mouth, tightening the jowls, and also strengthening the muscles of the sublingual area, which also tightens the area under the chin:

  • Necessary open your mouth slightly and with the tip of your tongue, with slight pressure, “paint” the inside of your cheeks, up and down, back and forth, moving the tongue higher, lower, trying to “reach” further.
  • Then move the tongue under the upper lip and also paint the arc of the inner surface of the upper lip area from left to right, then from right to left, then in short zigzag movements up and down.
  • Same thing with the lower lip area. Then poke the tip of your tongue down to the chin area, stretching it, where the triangular muscle is, and the chin.
  • After this, paint with your tongue from front to back in the same way the inner cavity of the mouth, on both sides of the frenulum of the tongue.

You just need to remember that the tongue does not paint the gums, but the inner surface of the muscle zone.
During all the tongue work, it is better to tighten the cheeks a little.

Exercises for jowls

If you are not lazy and devote only 15-20 minutes a day to yourself, then gymnastics will return a blooming, fit look to young people. People with pronounced age-related changes, unfortunately, will not be able to remove jowls with exercises, but The complex proposed below will help slow down further sagging of the skin:

  • Puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Hold this state for a few seconds. And exhale.
  • Puff out your cheeks strongly and move the air in your mouth to the right and left.
  • Puff out your cheeks and move the air in a circle.
  • After taking a deep breath, you need to exhale the air by moving your lips left and right. The lips should be tightly compressed.
  • Open your mouth as wide as possible and pronounce vowels while smiling.
  • Pursing your lips like a tube, pronounce the vowels “u” and “yu”, as if pushing out the air in short bursts.
  • Pursing your lips like a tube, “blow out” an imaginary candle 50-55 times daily.
  • Puff out your cheeks, then close your mouth tightly with your palm and exhale into your palm. Do this exercise as slowly as possible.
  • Use your lower lip to overlap your upper lip, then swap them. Do at least 20 times.
  • Try to reach your nose with your lower lip.
  • Clench your teeth as hard as possible. Record this state for 10-20
  • Press your index fingers firmly against your cheeks and try to smile against resistance. This is a great exercise to strengthen your facial muscles!
  • Inflate balloons as often as possible. This exercise will be useful not only for people with sagging cheeks, but also for people with weak lungs.

Remember that the appearance of jowls is caused by the weakening of several muscles at once, and if you lift only one of them (as advised in the video), the effect may be hardly noticeable.
The upper facial muscles are responsible for the tightened oval of the face: the zygomatic minor and major, the levator anguli oris muscle, the buccal muscle and the laughter muscle. In addition, the hypertonicity of the muscle that lowers the angle of the mouth (it belongs to the lower facial muscles) also plays a role.

To get rid of facial deformation or at least smooth it out, you need to put in order the junction of the lower and upper jaws (to reduce the jowls at the junction of them with the cheeks), and also straighten the line of the lower jaw. The author of the “Physiological System of Rejuvenation” method, L. Tel, advises doing several exercises, and in combination. Only then can good results be achieved.

Well, let's Let's start correcting the oval of the face, tightening and strengthening the muscles.

Exercise 1
It can be done immediately after waking up.

Remember the American horror movie “Scream” and the scary mask that caused panic among the film’s characters? So, now we need to give the face the same expression as on that very mask.

Technique for performing the exercise: you need to open your mouth and lower your lower jaw as much as possible. In this case, the lips should be tense and stretched out like a tube, as when pronouncing the sound O.
Most often at this moment people feel pain at the junction of the jaws.

The author advises: place your palms at the junction of the jaws and, not paying attention to the pain, try to lower the muscle, smoothing it along its entire length.
To do this, press downwards with your palms, starting from the side at the outer corner of the eye (with the eyes wide open), move down vertically and along an oblique line (see picture).
Repeat several times.

Let me express my opinion - all manipulations should be enjoyable or at least not cause severe pain, therefore, in my opinion, the exercise should be done carefully, without causing yourself suffering.

Exercise 2
Necessary for recovery the center of the roundness of the cheeks. And this should happen through training. small and large and zygomatic muscles . As a result, nasolabial folds should decrease.

To perform the exercise, you need to fix the skin around your mouth along the nasolabial line, press it with your fingers to your teeth, while trying to smile.
L.Z. Tel advises performing the exercise 15-20 times.

Note! The first and second exercises should only be done in combination! Otherwise, by performing only the first exercise, you will “pull” the center of the roundness of your cheeks down.

Exercise 3
Aimed at correcting the second part of the “jowls” in the place where they connect to the chin). To get results, you need to restore muscle that depresses the anguli oris (triangular muscle ).

Technique for performing the exercise: fix the corners of your mouth with two fingers and try to lower them (as when expressing disgust and disgust) 15-20 times, at a slow pace until you feel tired. This will help relieve hypertonicity of these muscles

Exercise 4 (I think this is a more complete explanation of the Shaving technique: o)

But the biggest challenge, according to Thel, is yet to come. For that. To align the place where the skin of the triangular muscle meets the skin of the chin, you will have to work hard.
In this place, several muscles are attached to the jaw arch at once - the masticatory, triangular and lowering lower lip. So, all of them are gradually overgrown with fat and cartilage deposits, and waste accumulates here. (In fact, there are a lot of deposits here))

It is more effective to do this exercise on steamed skin, lubricated with oil (in a bath or bath). Holding and fixing the angle of the jaw with one hand, move the other along the jaw line from the beginning of the “jowls” to the center of the chin. Do not be surprised if the jaw arch greets you unwelcomingly - with the crackling sound of “slag” and lumps of fatty deposits that interfere with free passage.

Try to stretch, overcome all these barriers, trying to ensure that the skin triangular muscle and skin mentalis muscle made up one whole, smoothly transitioning into each other

The same should be done with the lower part of the masticatory muscle. Holding the skin of the triangular muscle, use your thumb and index finger to move along the jaw line to the corner of the jaw, as if restoring it.

Exercise 5

Promotes elevation of the cheek fat pad (Bishat's lump).

Technique: lubricate your face with oil and rub your knuckles from bottom to top from the “jowl” area, gradually moving towards the eyes.
Then you need to carefully iron and stretch the tightened muscles. At first, the procedure causes unpleasant and sometimes even painful sensations.

If you do the exercise constantly, the pain will disappear.

Scalp massage

It would seem what the head has to do with the youth of the face. And the most direct thing. As the author writes, almost all of our hair is located on the so-called tendon helmet, which, like all the muscles of the body, weakens with age and sometimes completely atrophies. The result is disappointing - the face slides towards the nose.

Massage the ears and ear muscles surrounding the external auditory canals

are also very important. Although the size of this zone on our head is very small, they seem to hold the tendon helmet and at the same time contribute to its tension and face lift.

Remember, only constant work on yourself brings the desired success. One-time actions give only short-term results.

There is no need to pump up the jowl area. It is necessary to perform exercises to stretch and relax the masticatory muscle, which is very often responsible for their formation.
Raise the tone of the middle and upper part of the cheeks (these are pumping exercises). And the area of ​​the jowls (fat sacs) itself needs to be massaged. Massage - pinch (stimulating blood circulation) or cupping, kneading and smoothing.

It is very important to monitor the position of the jaws. They should be relaxed and slightly open. If in the normal state they are rigidly linked to each other, then it will be almost impossible to remove the jowls.

Maximum effect with minimum effort!

What to do if exercises and massages do not give the desired effect? Modern beauty salons and medical centers offer a number of procedures to improve facial contours.
The good thing about the salon is that specialists will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body and select an individual program for getting rid of jowls for each specific patient. Salon procedures have one undeniable advantage over home methods: the effect is noticeable after the first time, although often the matter is not limited to one procedure. You can turn to professionals at any age: the choice of methods is wide, the effectiveness is at the proper level, the terms are the shortest.

So, the most famous remedy is the lifting technique.

  • Lymphatic drainage massage

A specialist who performs manual lymphatic drainage massage of the face makes all movements strictly in the direction of the lymphatic flow. The manipulations are soft, wave-like, very pleasant, giving relaxation and relaxation. There is no pain associated with this massage.
As a result of the massage, lymph flow accelerates, decay products and toxins are removed from cells, and the amount of nutrients and oxygen available to the skin increases. The most important thing is that excess fat, intercellular fluid, and swelling are eliminated. The facial contour is tightened, jowls disappear after several sessions.

  • Thermolifting / RF lifting

This procedure involves applying heat to the skin. Thermolifting accelerates the processes of microcirculation of blood and lymph, puts metabolism in order. Under the action of targeted heat rays, old, no longer needed cells die and are removed faster. This leads to a general renewal of tissue, a new portion of collagen and elastin produced in the cells. The skin framework is strengthened, cellular partitions are restored, fat deposits are subject to breakdown. As a result, not a trace remains of jowls after several thermolifting procedures.

  • Injection cosmetology / mesotherapy

There are various drugs that are injected under the skin of the face in a problem area (lower part of the face, area where jowls form). Injection lipolysis selectively, gradually, without shocks or revolutions, reduces the volume of fat deposits without damaging the muscles and skin. Many salons offer similar mesotherapy, but given the general dislike of injections, it is not particularly popular among those who want to get rid of jowls.

  • Bio-reinforcement / vector facelift

Another injection procedure, but it involves the administration of a biostimulator based on hyaluronic acid. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and forms a kind of web of active biothreads. Their goal is to strengthen the skin framework, rid the face of jowls, wrinkles, any manifestation of ptosis (sagging skin), and tighten the facial contour. Within a month there will be no trace left of the biothreads, as they will dissolve, but the lifting effect that they produce at the cellular level during this time will be effective for quite a long time (this will depend on the type of threads and the individual characteristics of the body).

  • Contour plastic surgery of jowls

Facial reinforcement with Radiesse gel or RegenLAb plasma filler. The drugs are injected deeply into the periosteum area under the cheekbones. Thanks to this technique, the face restores youthful volume, acquires clear, graceful contours and a heart shape.
In the injection area, gels as a bonus start the process of skin restoration and help to significantly refresh it, eliminate wrinkles and smooth out folds.

Remember! There is no point in injecting gel or lipofilling directly into the lower jaw. This will solve the problem (and only briefly) for those whose sagging is caused by excess skin and is not accompanied by excess fat.

“Reinforcing shavings alone is fundamentally wrong. The flutters are just a consequence. The reason is the prolapse of soft tissues. Therefore, first of all, you need to strengthen your face in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones and temples. Strengthening them will pull the fringes up and prevent them from sagging quickly.
To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is usually recommended to eliminate excess subcutaneous fat, which over time will move down again and lead to the formation of new jowls.”

If jowls appear on a “heavy” face against the background of large excess skin, the methods listed above will give a weakly expressed aesthetic effect. In this case The face can only be sculpted using surgical lifting.
During the operation, the tissues are moved to their previous, youthful position and securely fixed. Excess skin is removed.

Anyone who turns to professionals with the problem of jowls should keep in mind two significant disadvantages of such rejuvenation technologies:

  • high prices: thermolifting will empty your wallet by 15,000 rubles, injection (depending on the drug) will cost from 30,000 rubles, bioreinforcement - at least 10,000 rubles;
  • side effects, complications and consequences sometimes negate all the joy of eliminating jowls: hematomas, allergic reactions, tissue necrosis, bruises and much more may remain.

As for the first drawback, the prices are indicated on average for one procedure, and a whole series of them will be required. But for the sake of beauty, you will make any sacrifice if you have the financial opportunity.
As for the second drawback of salon procedures, you simply need to be more responsible when choosing a clinic (salon).
It is advisable to consult a cosmetologist who has performed this procedure more than once and has experience in this matter.
Study the reviews about this establishment and specifically about the specialist you see.
It’s even better if the salon and doctor are recommended by friends.

Those who do not have the opportunity to eliminate jowls in the salon can do this at home. The problem of how to remove jowls at home, as already mentioned, can be solved with the help of special gymnastics, self-massage and cosmetic masks. The main thing is the desire to achieve the goal and tidy up the contour of your face, removing the hanging folds of your cheeks.
Yes, it will take much more time than if you go to a beauty salon: you will have to work on yourself for not just one week, but entire months. However, you don’t have to be afraid of complications and side effects, and money will be saved, since these procedures will not require financial expenses.

To get rid of sagging skin on the face, careful and regular care is necessary. After all, only a complex effect will contribute to a beautiful and toned oval. And daily gymnastics and massage can transform your appearance.
Based on materials from,