Unleash feminine energy. What is feminine energy and can it really be developed?

You already know that in a feminine woman, Yin energies and qualities associated with being in the “feminine pole” predominate. But it is important to understand that if you are used to living differently, then moving to this feminine pole will take time. Because the worldview must change... Which may require several years of constant work on oneself.

It's like learning a foreign language. This does not mean that only in a few years you will speak a language that is still unknown to you. You will speak sooner – after just six months of regular classes. But it will take you several years for a foreign language to become a part of you, for you to start thinking in it, reading poetry... The same is true with the development of femininity.
What can you do now to develop your femininity?

1. YOU CAN WEAR SKIRTS AND DRESSES. And it’s good if they are long and have a wide hem. Long means below the knee, or even better, to the floor. Since a long and wide skirt creates the correct energy cone with its contour, making us stable. She forms energy according to the female type: little above, much below. In addition, the hem has a sacred meaning - it is a protective circle around you. They will not come closer to you than the boundaries of this circle. In addition, when our perineum is hidden, it adds a certain intimacy to us, creates a mystery, a riddle. The Vedic tradition says that THIS place for a woman must be closed, because “the goddess Lakshmi lives here,” who is responsible for luck, prosperity and well-being. And a person who has the power of his gaze can “steal” our luck with his gaze. So simply wearing a skirt or dress is already a useful practice.

2. YOU CAN GROW LONG HAIR. Feminine strength is accumulated in the hair: the longer the hair, the stronger you are as a woman. Have you ever heard of the short-haired witch? But a witch is a knowledgeable woman who knows how to use her power. And long hair plays an important role in this process.

There used to be times when some women grew their hair to their toes. Such a woman was worth her weight in gold (literally and figuratively). Since she was a kind of living talisman, who was treated very well and pleased in every possible way. It was believed that she should be happy, because if such a woman is happy and wishes the house in which she lives to prosper, then the house prospered and the family prospered. In those days it was a great insult for a woman to have her hair cut. It was like an abuse, depriving a woman of her power. And now we do it voluntarily...

When a woman has long hair (that is, below the heart chakra, the center of the chest), then lunar energy predominates, she gains emotional stability, and when a woman has a haircut, bangs, Venusian energy predominates. If you are trying to grow your hair, but at some point it for some reason begins to bother you, this means that you do not yet have enough strength to withstand feminine power, the power of lunar energy.

BUT!!! If you want to get married if you want to be emotionally stable, you just need grow hair. And the hair should be collected - in a braid, bun, shell, etc. Because only when your hair is collected does energy accumulate inside you. But if your hair is down all the time, then through it, as if through tubes, your strength constantly flows into space and is wasted. By the way, the expression “loose woman” comes from her loose hair. It is important to clarify that 2 braids and a ponytail are also practically loose hair. With this hairstyle you will not feel any changes.

Collected hair mobilizes us as much as possible. Moreover, depending on where you put your hair in a bun, you will get different results. If at the bottom of the head, then you will accumulate good, high-quality lunar energy, and a taste for submission will appear. And this is very important for us, for women - then we easily and joyfully accept the leading role of a man in our lives. If the bundle is collected at the top of the head, it helps us accumulate vital energy, vigor and activity appear. If you feel lethargic and lack of strength, then this hairstyle is for you. Experiment...

But even while your hair is short, it is better to pin it up, tidy it up, take care of it, and nourish it so that it grows faster.

3. YOU CAN ONLY SAY PLEASANT WORDS. This is one of the simple but effective women's commandments. Even if you need to criticize someone, it is better to find soft, kind, carefully chosen words and say them with love and care. We need this commandment in order to teach all of us women flexibility, gentleness, and care for others. She really softens our hearts. Try talking like this for a week and observe what happens to you and the space around you.

4. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING SLOWLY. Change your rhythm of life: remove half of the tasks from your schedule - they will be redone on their own or it will turn out that you don’t need to do them at all. Speak slowly, walk slowly, eat slowly... and you will automatically shift to the feminine pole.

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  • How to strengthen feminine energy >

Feminine energy– this is tenderness, peace, harmony, but at the same time strength and determination. Feminine energy serves as a kind of “battery” for unstable male energy, acting as a constant source of wisdom and integrity.

Basic female chakras

  • svadhisthana (located in the ovary area and is responsible for receiving pleasure in any of its manifestations);
  • anahata (chakra of love and understanding, compassion and acceptance);
  • ajna (responsible for female intuition and providence)

Where do blocks appear in the energy flow?

The modern world teaches women independence and constructive aggression. From childhood, girls are instilled with the idea of ​​gender equality, creating fertile ground for gender competition.

This state of affairs negative affects the soft feminine energy, which should inspire a man, and not act as a counterweight to his ego.

As a result of adaptation to the world of social attitudes, representatives of the fair sex drown out their energy. Because of this, a woman is overtaken by problems in her personal life, and a feeling of unfulfillment and lack of fulfillment provokes constant depression. In a word, the yin and yang system fails.

How to awaken feminine energy?

Classic practice

Practicing orgasm reflexes

To practice, play background music to help you relax. After this, tune in to a slight wave of excitement and begin to follow the recommendations:

  • The first stage lasts 10 minutes. Lie on your back with your legs bent. Rock your pelvis up and down with small thrusts. After each movement, the body should feel relaxed.
  • The second stage also lasts 10 minutes. Now the pelvis rises higher and higher, and thoughts concentrate on the uterus. Movement and breathing should not be squeezed.
  • The third stage lasts 20 minutes. The pelvis is raised all the time. In the area of ​​the uterus, mentally create a pulsating ball of energy. Bring your knees in and out very smoothly (with small jolts, reminiscent of a pulsation). The installation should be in a receiving position, like a woman during intercourse. Breathe deeply and through your mouth, concentrating completely on the uterine area.
  • The fourth stage is descending and takes 5 minutes. Spreading your knees, gently and gently lower your pelvis.
  • Stage 5 is the completion of practice. It takes 10 minutes. Lie down in a comfortable position and relax with your arms outstretched, palms up. Feel the warmth that spreads throughout your body and imagine that the uterus is filled with energy, which gently pulsates.

Practice arousal

This practice is performed in the shower or in bed when the body is relaxed. A woman should wear a minimum amount of clothing (ideally, no clothing at all). Practice helps to remove blocks and develop femininity, as well as learn to move into a state of arousal. Both exercises are performed for 10 minutes.

Exercise 1

Take a comfortable position and start stroking your hands. Gradually move to the shoulders. Next, focus on the breasts, squeezing and stroking them until the nipples become firmer. Then switch to your stomach. All movements are performed with eyes closed.

You need to touch yourself the way your beloved man would. Exercise also promotes self-acceptance and getting rid of complexes.

Exercise 2

Use your fingertips to draw imaginary pictures on your stomach. Movements should be light and almost imperceptible.

How to develop feminine energy

Personal care

The element of ladies is beauty. A woman, paying attention to her appearance, grooming and nurturing her body, feeds her internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair.

The self-confidence that appears after this nourishes the feminine principle. Dedicate to yourself at least 30 minutes every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

"Men's shoulder"

Don't be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex lift a woman’s spirits. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without the masculine principle, just as a man cannot exist without the feminine).

This exchange of energy enhances the biofield both the stronger and the weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position.

Well, what male doesn’t like being a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel important is many times higher than the value of a dictator's partner.


A woman is creativity. She needs self-expression. This could be anything from painting to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts members of the opposite sex like a magnet.

Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means the chakras function unhindered and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

Give thanks and pray

Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the “strings” of your inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation.

Try to use the energy of communication by telling people pleasant, encouraging words. By giving, you will replace expended resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses

Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to how we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to highlight your figure and give your silhouette a special magic.

It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to wear trousers to the first seven dates. And pants, as clothing for women, began to become part of the everyday wardrobe only in the 20th century.


During the execution of the mantra, powerful vibrations are created that affect the consciousness and subconscious. If the listener is morally determined to accept the positive effects of chanting, then the mantra can radically change the way of thinking and even the life of a person.

Women's mantras are taken as a basis lunar energy and are addressed to two goddesses: Tara or Kali. Meditative prayers end with “tham” or “svaha”. Mantras are pronounced in a chant, guttural manner. While performing a meditative prayer, vibrations should occur in the throat.

Appeal to Kali

Kali helps girls in difficult life situations. You should turn to this lunar goddess with problems and desires. The words of the meditative text sound as follows:


Appeal to Tara

Tara helps to develop sexuality and sensuality, to become attractive to men. People come to her with questions from the love sphere. The prayer to Tara sounds like:


Tatyana Yashkova
specialist in art therapy, dance movement therapy
master of massage and bodywork
presenter of author's psychological trainings

It all starts from childhood

The topic of sexuality is taboo. Despite the fact that there is more and more information around us and it is accessible, we will not soon move to a new stage in our attitude to “inconvenient” issues. I am glad that the process has been started and there are still positive dynamics, but a certain path needs to be taken until the topic of sexuality comes out of the shadows. A woman is pressured by social boundaries, unpleasant life experiences, and complexes, but, as psychologists rightly note, it all starts from childhood.

In the first years of life, the baby is actively interested in his body. He studies it, gets used to himself, and is interested in how things work for others. But moms and dads, noticing “unhealthy” curiosity, get terribly angry. They slap my hands, try to divert attention, and scold me for asking “indecent” questions. Even then the first blocks are laid. The child begins to feel shy, he doesn’t yet understand what exactly, but something scares and upsets the parents. It means something bad is happening, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. The process of suppressing sexuality begins.

Then the questions arise: where do children come from? And parents avoid answering with the phrases: “When you grow up, we’ll tell you” or “A stork brought you to us.” An aura of mystery appears around the topic. And again, interest is only fueled, but there is no answer. Unfortunately, at school they talk about this only in high school and not always. Answers to questions must be timely. Their absence gives rise to complexes or precisely that same excessive “unhealthy interest.”

If we talk specifically about women, already at the peak of adolescence, when hormones are raging inside, a girl, due to the scenario described above, comes with a complex of guilt, fears and numerous internal barriers that can significantly complicate her life in the future.

Sexuality is not about sex

- What exactly is female sexuality?

This concept has no gender. Sexuality is not male or female. It simply exists on its own. It is, rather, a state, our base, harmony with ourselves, the ability to receive joy from life.

Sexuality is not about sex, not about 90-60-90, not a format or a standard at all. It is the same as creative energy because it expresses the inner self.

A girl who is obsessed with beauty, follows all the trends, is tall, beautiful and well-groomed is not always sexy. Everything about her screams: “Hey, pay attention to me, tell me I’m good!” I wouldn’t be surprised if a fashionista has much more complexes than the one who forgot to paint her nails today or spat on her makeup.

In order to compensate for the lack of love, women are ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife. Very beautiful ladies often come to me, in my opinion, with an ideal figure. You can’t even imagine how much internal pain they have from a whole list of complexes! This is simply an amazing fact.

Men compensate for low self-esteem with cool cars, fancy gadgets, and other expensive “toys” to impress. Women put a ton of plaster on themselves, get eyelash extensions, and roll out their breasts. It's good if you really like it. But it is much more likely that there is a state of dissatisfaction.

Why was there no sex in the USSR? Why did this topic seem to not exist, although children were still born? I repeat, sexual energy is creative. A creative person is uncomfortable. He is uncontrollable, he has his own opinion, vision, and most importantly, he is free. Inner freedom is what's sexy. This is why we love certain actors, musicians, and directors. They are not afraid to be themselves and that is why they are so attractive.

A person with repressed sexual energy is an ideal soldier. He will express it through aggression, action, and the solution of a specific problem. This is what his military leader needs, but is it necessary for the man himself? Big question.

Sometimes it’s even difficult to imagine what destructive power a woman with “stifled” sexual energy has. She, just like a soldier, suppresses her loved ones, primarily a man, only not physically, but morally. She professionally nags him and delicately finds reasons for a scandal.

Suppressed sexual energy is dangerous

- How to raise a girl correctly so that there are no problems later?

Beautiful films wrap sexuality in the image of a kind of flirty, elegant lady. In fact, sexuality is a wild, powerful force, which in the end (if everything is harmonious inside) is transformed into something lofty, attractive, and subtle. However, undischarged power destroys everything around, including one’s own body.

It has long been a known fact that suppressed sexuality provokes gynecological problems, diseases of the genitourinary system, depression and so on. The mind is in conflict with the soul. This is precisely the root of all troubles.

How to raise a girl? Give her freedom. Children, in principle, should not be raised, but raised with love. Become your daughter's friend. Don't shy away from difficult topics, answer questions, share your problems and ask for advice.

Don't destroy creativity in a girl. Have you always wanted to become a ballerina, but you are already 48? Don't force your daughter to make your dream come true. Sign up for a dance group yourself. These are your dreams, and it is never too late to realize your plans. If your daughter has a passion for boxing, buy her a punching bag.

There are children who need to be pushed to act because of their natural shyness. But the child must have a choice. Let him try and explore your suggestions, but don't force him to do something he's not passionate about.

Sexuality has no age

- How do men perceive female sexuality?

You will laugh. Men are looking for that same uninhibited, free woman. But most of the stronger sex are afraid of her. Ever since post-war times, when many men fell on the battlefield, women have become strong, with nerves of steel and strong character. The boys were protected with all their might. Mom solved problems. And to this day, today’s parents protect their “kids,” who are over 30, from any adversity.

The internal transition from boy to man never happened. Therefore, a woman-mother is preferable as a wife. Look around, there are so many smart, charming, successful beauties around who are still single. Women look for the problem in themselves, and often it is not they who are to blame.

And yet, unconsciously, the opposite sex is attracted by inner harmony, sparkling eyes, sincerity and naturalness. Today there are a huge number of courses on conquering men, where they teach all sorts of, let’s call them, “tricks.” They tell you how to flirt correctly, that you need to brush your hair back, open your wrists, and play with your eyes. But if all these techniques do not come from within, if it is all a lie, such lessons are unlikely to benefit you.

The chosen one, of course, will understand the hints that really work, but subconsciously considers it a deception and, rather, will simply accept the rules of the game for a while in order to “talk” for one night. You won't find a husband like that. Sexuality is much deeper than some superficial factors of communication.

- Does age matter?

There are so many examples of people in the world who are over 60, but they are still damn attractive and charismatic! It's not about numbers, but about experience, about internal development. We are changing, constantly changing. Today a woman grows her hair, tomorrow she cuts it, the day after tomorrow she shaves her head bald, surprisingly, she is still just as charming and no less interesting! Does she have wrinkles or not? We think about this for the first couple of minutes, then we listen to what the woman says, how she behaves, and completely forget about her appearance. Therefore sexuality has no age.

A woman who is in harmony with herself harmonizes everything around her

- Can a woman who has harmony inside somehow influence the man who is next to her?

Such a woman harmonizes everything around her. Indeed, it affects loved ones, children, and partners. Figuratively speaking, a man is heaven. He is always in flight, he explores, solves problems, creates. Woman is earth. She is the basis of the family, its foundation, matter (remember “mother”). There are often cases when a man whose partner is at peace with himself, his business goes uphill, he becomes calmer, a lot of new ideas appear, and so on. And often men themselves understand this. They don't always admit it, but they understand.

- How to reveal your sexuality?

There are many points here:

  • Stop fighting your inner self and allow yourself to be yourself. If you don't want to wash the dishes, don't. Better lie in a hot bath. A few unwashed dishes won't make you a bad housewife, but they can get on your nerves.

    It's funny, but this is how many scandals begin. A woman doesn’t want to do something, but forces herself. Let's say the same dishes. She rubs the frying pan and slowly accumulates thoughts that no one cleans up after themselves, that the day is not going well, that she has a lot of things to do, and here is this sink... Then HE comes with a bouquet of roses and is in a good mood, and SHE “sweeps away “smacks him in the face with these roses and creates a scandal out of the blue. To prevent this from happening, listen to yourself.

  • Learn to feel the body. Stop beating yourself up for your shortcomings. Instead, celebrate what you like about your own appearance. Buy beautiful, comfortable underwear. Let it become a habit for you to walk without any underwear under your clothes. At least at home. After all, this is how you subconsciously remove your defenses, your feelings become more intense. Go for a massage, but a nice, soft one. There is a wonderful technique with the funny name Mnushi, which is aimed specifically at relaxation. The energy of sexuality is water. It is smooth, unhurried, flowing. Few people are interested in a twitchy, nervous and fussy woman.
  • Find something you love to do. Unleash your creativity. It is not true that there are people who cannot sing, draw, dance... Cooking is also creativity. Let your interests shine through. Try new things, it is also useful for the brain, which learns to solve problems outside the box.

  • Don't forget about physical activity. But let them be joyful. Dancing reveals sensuality well; by the way, free dancing has a particularly beneficial effect, when you just turn on the music and move the way you like. However, everyone is missing something of their own. If you want tough energy, go to the gym; if you want some stretches, welcome to yoga.
  • If you feel that something is wrong, but it is difficult to understand yourself, do not hesitate to go to a psychologist. This is fine. And the sooner you take this step, the better. Art therapy also helps many people. By the way, colors have a great influence on us, because they emit a certain frequency of waves. Keep track of your color preferences and notice that they change. Sometimes this is what becomes the key to the subconscious.

    The color of sexuality in its purest form is orange. But this does not mean that you need to hang yourself with orange decorations. For harmony, everyone may need their own color. Red - connection with the earth, with family and matter. Yellow is abundance, the color of social manifestation. Green and pink are a sign of unconditional love, acceptance of yourself and others. Blue - creativity and self-expression. Blue - knowledge (not the kind we acquired at school and university, but internal knowledge). Purple and white - connection with the world. Pay attention to changes in your taste and feel free to add the necessary shade to your wardrobe.

All the answers are inside. If something stops you, prevents you from moving forward, try to understand why this is happening. Don’t be afraid of your sexuality, give it to others with love, and let every day bring you a lot of joy and positive emotions in return.

Photo: Anna Ivanova

The female body is a perfect and absolutely unique creation of nature. But the fact is that in pursuit of external attributes of beauty, even regularly visiting beauty salons, SPA and fitness centers, we often miss the most important thing - the state of our “invisible muscles of love”, on which the health of our entire “female” system depends. body.

Feminine energy should circulate, and then any man will always be happy to be next to such a woman. And the very field of this energy will attract to a woman all the best that is in the world. After all, it is sexual energy is a strong, powerful and creative force for making all our dreams and desires come true.

Where does our feminine power flow?

Most women, between the ages of 20 and 50, raise children, care for their parents, and then help the children raise their grandchildren. Giving others all their power and, more often than not, they simply have no time to think about themselves.

Plus, the lack of physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle typical of many of us contribute to the weakening of the abdominal and back muscles. And this in turn strengthens the pelvic muscles. A sedentary pelvis leads to the fact that our sexual energy begins to fade. We do not notice this right away, attributing it to current problems, worries, household chores... And so little by little, day after day, we indulge our premature aging, without even realizing it.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of blood stagnation in the pelvic area and genitals. Weakness of the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks contributes to poor blood circulation, and, as a result, can lead (sooner or later) to the appearance of a whole bunch of various problems.

Among other things, for a harmonious and happy life we ​​need endorphins, the so-called “happiness hormones” that our brain produces. By not receiving enough endorphins day by day, we provoke overwork, poor sleep, and depression, which have a very negative impact not only on our sexuality, but also on our overall well-being, appearance, and complexion.

The power of feminine energy: how can we restore and return it?

Ancient Chinese healers and magicians observed nature very carefully and realized that in nature beauty is the result of many invisible processes, and is inextricably linked with the health of the entire body - the state of the internal organs, free circulation of blood and lymph in the body, the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and of course with the impeccable work of our female organs.

Indeed, without the proper functioning of the system of endocrine glands, which determine what we call sexual desire, metabolic processes that determine the level of energy saturation in the body are impossible. Even the most beautiful and well-groomed body will not be sexually attractive if it is not filled with vital energy, through which our personality is manifested.

Conversely, a healthy and energetic woman can be very sexually attractive, even if she has irregular facial features and less than ideal body proportions. By thinking, you can easily find people who fit these examples among your friends.

Women's exercises

For thousands of years, these unique female exercises have been one of the most effective methods of maintaining youth and improving sexuality for many years. Thanks to their practice, you push back your biological age by many years. In Chinese history, there is written evidence of the famous concubines of Chinese emperors, who amazed others with their beauty and impeccable appearance, having not only adult children, but also grandchildren.

Through exercise and energy accumulation, you will fill yourself with amazing, feminine, sexual energy. You will radiate femininity and magnetism, your vibes will be felt by everyone! You will begin to feel increased attention from men. Your intimate life will sparkle with new colors, your self-esteem and self-confidence will increase!

For the most part, the main exercises are Kegel exercises. The essence and meaning is to train the muscles of the perineum. You can simply squeeze and unclench your muscles, first 10 times at a fast pace, then 10 times at a slow pace. There is also this technique:

You can learn more about energy accumulation and exercise from Lisa Piterkina’s trainings and seminars. Thanks to her Taoist practices, you can significantly increase your energy potential and strengthen female magnetism, read in more detail. We also have a wonderful training “Awakening Aphrodite”, it is number 3 in the list of courses, you can check it out. And in the article you can learn and put into practice the “Aphrodite’s Belt” technique.